Today was interesting. I woke up feeling like there were midget acrobats on PCP bouncing around in my skull. I felt terrible. But, that was just the morning. Perhaps every morning with a new peircing....
The day was pretty empty, just did my job, and checked e-mail and such. I had that antsy feeling you get when you are expecting something, and all hyped up... But then you realize that there really isn't anything to be excited about. It sucks. I hate that feeling. It's like your body is bitching about being bored, while your mind is trying it's best to soothe the beast....
Later, I messed around with my hair... Tryin my best to come up with something I can pull off with this glorious "mop" of mine. No dice though... Oh well...There's always next time.
My afternoon was spent working out again. And seeing as though it was Monday, it was time to work the chest again. Really was a good one though, even if it was painful.
Only thing was, trying to explain my new peircing to my uncle and his friends. They kept asking if I fell in a "tackle box"
I just laughed, and sighed inwardly. No big deal.... The price you pay for such things. Nobody understands. They all thing it is rebellion, when it really isn't about that for me.
I just AM this way. It's the way I have always seen myself, but never had the guts to really project for all to see. I would see people with tattoos and peircings and just wish that I was like they were, without fear.
Now, I finally have that. I gave in fully and embraced myself for what I was. And I have never felt more comfortable. No matter what anyone says. But, I can't help but feel bad a little bit when my family is so negative about it all. Can't they just be happy that I am so content? That I no longer require Psychiatric help? I guess not, but it matters less and less to me every day.......
Thanks to all for letting me rant on and on about random shit!
Today's Random George Carlin Quote:
I don't understand why prostitution is illegal. Seling is legal, fucking is legal. So, why isn't it legal to sell fucking? Why should it be illegal to sell something that's legal to give away? I can't follow the logic. Of all things you can do to a person, giving them an orgasm is hardly the worst. In the army they give you a medal for killing people ; in civilian life you go to jail for giving them orgasms. Am I missing something?
The day was pretty empty, just did my job, and checked e-mail and such. I had that antsy feeling you get when you are expecting something, and all hyped up... But then you realize that there really isn't anything to be excited about. It sucks. I hate that feeling. It's like your body is bitching about being bored, while your mind is trying it's best to soothe the beast....
Later, I messed around with my hair... Tryin my best to come up with something I can pull off with this glorious "mop" of mine. No dice though... Oh well...There's always next time.
My afternoon was spent working out again. And seeing as though it was Monday, it was time to work the chest again. Really was a good one though, even if it was painful.

Only thing was, trying to explain my new peircing to my uncle and his friends. They kept asking if I fell in a "tackle box"
I just laughed, and sighed inwardly. No big deal.... The price you pay for such things. Nobody understands. They all thing it is rebellion, when it really isn't about that for me.
I just AM this way. It's the way I have always seen myself, but never had the guts to really project for all to see. I would see people with tattoos and peircings and just wish that I was like they were, without fear.
Now, I finally have that. I gave in fully and embraced myself for what I was. And I have never felt more comfortable. No matter what anyone says. But, I can't help but feel bad a little bit when my family is so negative about it all. Can't they just be happy that I am so content? That I no longer require Psychiatric help? I guess not, but it matters less and less to me every day.......

Thanks to all for letting me rant on and on about random shit!

Today's Random George Carlin Quote:
I don't understand why prostitution is illegal. Seling is legal, fucking is legal. So, why isn't it legal to sell fucking? Why should it be illegal to sell something that's legal to give away? I can't follow the logic. Of all things you can do to a person, giving them an orgasm is hardly the worst. In the army they give you a medal for killing people ; in civilian life you go to jail for giving them orgasms. Am I missing something?

people will always be like that with body mods. im finally transitioning from the default views of modified people (prolly from the parents) to my new views - respect. because of education. if i saw someone on the street with a circular hanging out of their septum i would be nice to them vs most people staring.
in reply to that quote - in modern euro we talked about public brothels about 1300s-1400s. viewed as a positive contributor to society but not respected...
stupid <br> things... they just show up for no good reason!