Well, the workout helped. For now at least. And this damn hurricane had better not come and ruin my weekend. I've already had to deal with one of the bastards.....
Yesterday was pretty decent overall. I did my workout thing, watched some Invader Zim, worked on tattoo ideas and went to bed early. Not too shabby.
Funny thing is, when I go to bed early... I'm more tired...
Oh well, I should know the condition of that station wagon soon, so that will be nice. I hope it doesn't suck.
Todays random George Carlin quote:
The Reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.

Yesterday was pretty decent overall. I did my workout thing, watched some Invader Zim, worked on tattoo ideas and went to bed early. Not too shabby.
Funny thing is, when I go to bed early... I'm more tired...

Oh well, I should know the condition of that station wagon soon, so that will be nice. I hope it doesn't suck.
Todays random George Carlin quote:
The Reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.

We've actually had the DVD for over a year, but there's nothing like seeing it at the Arclight. I saw LOTR:RoK there, it was insane! They coulda' charged $30 and I still would have paid
Well I'm glad that the workout helped.
Station wagons can be fun - especially with fake wood paneling