I'm truly all alone out here in the boonies. I probably account for the entire population of people like me within 25 miles. It's sad.
Everywhere I go, I have to hear random questions from idiots who can't even spell Iraq. They ask why my hair is so dark, what my tattoos mean, why I decided to seal my entry into Hell by peircing my body.....
It just goes on and on.
And no, I have no friends that can come and see me, no people to go out with on a Saturday night, no girlfriend who can sit next to me and laugh out loud to Happy Tree Friends..... Nobody.
And, I can't go out and find these people because my car just burnt it's engine.
So, I am trapped in this Hell called my parents house.
I know it's sad, but my only friends right now are online. I just need to move somewhere again and perhaps go to college or something. I just need something to be excited about.
Oh well, I am just going to go in my room, put on some music and go to bed. Because there really isn't anything else I can do.

You can bitch about your life..mines not all that annoying..this weekend has just been a bitch
Im just scared....Cause its like they invaded my own home...
they cops told me to get bars put on my windows...cause theres a chance that they'll come back for more