Well, the workout helped. For now at least. And this damn hurricane had better not come and ruin my weekend. I've already had to deal with one of the bastards..... mad

Yesterday was pretty decent overall. I did my workout thing, watched some Invader Zim, worked on tattoo ideas and went to bed early. Not too shabby.

Funny thing is, when I go to bed early......
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Thanks sir! And good luck with the hurricane nonsense smile

We've actually had the DVD for over a year, but there's nothing like seeing it at the Arclight. I saw LOTR:RoK there, it was insane! They coulda' charged $30 and I still would have paid smile
Hurricanes suck.

Well I'm glad that the workout helped.

Station wagons can be fun - especially with fake wood paneling biggrin
Nothing really new to report. Things are really....really boring. I cannot wait to have this fucking cancer removed!!! mad

I'm just tired of having a band-aid on my cheek, like some kind of wannabe disturbed Nelly!!

Sorry, I just really hate it sometimes. And it's all the Fucking miltary's fault!! Those FUCKERS!! blackeyed


I don't mean to be so negative, but my life really blows right...
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I was thinking of Calvin And Hobbes where Calvin's taking out the trash. The bottom of the wet trash bag gives way...
Amen ....change is good!! wink

Yeah the braind sucks sometimes how you can't control it....just does what it like....what a fucker...LOL biggrin

Hope alll goes and stays well... smile
frown Today was just pure Hell.

My Dad bought the Jeep without letting me see it. The thing was rusted THROUGH in a couple of places... It looked like freakin swiss cheese!!

The floorboard is gone. And the frame is flaking apart. WTF!! How in the hell am I supposed to drive that back and forth to college for 4 years!!?

We worked it out, and...
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..that sucks..
No cool jeep frown
that sucks, old cars can be cool if they still function. which seems to not be the case. im stuck with the bus to get to school. robot
Man....I am so fucking hungover right now.. puke

But, damn was it ever worth it.

I went to Shamrocks Pub, and to Common Grounds last night, trying my best to see some local bands do their shit, and was just blown away by one band in particular..

Sip Sip, Tune Tune..

Those guys really fucking rocked! A great night, worth getting drunk for... That's a rarity....
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Re: question
1. Dates out of pity....no...I barely date anyway *sigh* whatever
2. Mmm no...but I think mummy's do biggrin
3. ok....hurt myself defintely....one of the biggest regrets of my life blackeyed

and questions for you:
1. Do you think you'd ever come down to Australia to visit? cuz that'd be awesome!
2. Favourite HIM song?
3. Favourite part of girls body?

Man was I ever hungover yesterday....didn't vomit though so that was good. Hope you get over yours speedily. biggrin
It sucks ass....
I'll get over it in a bit though.. blackeyed
Today was even cooler than yesterday. I got up early and drew a little more. My writing is really getting somewhere, I've finally got a few competent writing partners, so we've been able to get some good storylines going.

My lip piercing is healing up pretty good, even if it is a little sore. I still feel wierd sitting around watching Family Guy with my...
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By the by, if you are ever in Los Angeles, let me know. I'll take you to my comic store smile
first off - nice lip piercing smile good to hear youre making some creative progress.

lol @ the cheerleaders. nothin like scaring that kind of people...
Well today just flat out rocked!!! I listened to music all day while I wrote. And then I contiued work on my upcoming JTHM sleeve...(one day..)

In the art department, things are great!! my new room's atmosphere really puts me in the mood to create... I'll have to put up pics of it soon... I finally was able to hang up my LOTR swords... Anduril...
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heres my proper reply smile

Glad your day rocked biggrin

Your room sounds cool...
Mine is scary..the walls are covered in cut outs...from cieling to floor...on all 4 walls..and the cieling is all painted song lyrics in red paint....and theres garbage bags over the window...so its all dark..and gives off a creepy vibe... whatever I need light in my room

JEEP? Nice...lol I have a white jeep biggrin
I covered mine in stickers smile

Good to hear your day went well..
If it is a white jeep...You will be the coolest...haha biggrin
Well today has proven to be a bit better. I got confirmation that Sid's stuff I got her has been shipped. And dammit.....that makes me smile. biggrin

I did all of my work today, no surprises. Cool for me, I sit here at the house all day. Working for my Dad rocks!! I can research colleges online and figure out where in the US I am...
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sounds like you did have a good day.

I work out for 2 hours a day, just because I love exercise and who knows...my husband might just like my newfound respect in myself...

I noticed one of your favorite artists is Jim Mahfood, my husband and I go to the comic conventions they have in Kansas City..one year he was there, it was pretty cool to just sit there and talk to him.
Dont worry about it.. biggrin

what are you up to today?
frown God, I am just having the worst week ever....

I'm truly all alone out here in the boonies. I probably account for the entire population of people like me within 25 miles. It's sad.

Everywhere I go, I have to hear random questions from idiots who can't even spell Iraq. They ask why my hair is so dark, what my tattoos mean, why I decided...
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ah..dont worry about it..

You can bitch about your life..mines not all that annoying..this weekend has just been a bitch blackeyed

Im just scared....Cause its like they invaded my own home...
they cops told me to get bars put on my windows...cause theres a chance that they'll come back for more mad
hahaha... yep sounds fun biggrin
blackeyed Well, I have both types of news to put out today.... My life gets both better and worse so quickly.

First.... biggrin Good:

I went out last night, got my tattoo. I was really happy about it, turned out just like I wanted it to.

I looked forever for the places that were supposed to have live music that night. I couldn't find them. And just...
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I would have kicked the shit out of that car. Then smashed in all the glass, then burned it. I hate cars that don't work. Never ever buying anything without a 10 year 100,000 mile warranty.
biggrin Yeah, that's what I wanted to do!! I had a dream last night that I was doing my best Rambo impression on the damn thing.... I must have shot it and blew it up endlessly before I finally came to... blackeyed
biggrin biggrin skull biggrin !!!
My car was okay afterall!! I only needed to change the thermostat and clean my radiator out.

I went to G-Ville and got my ears redone, as well as my lip pierced. Tomorrow I am going to get a heartagram tattoo on my forearm.

It is going to rock!! ooo aaa To top it all off, the guy who did my piercing told me about a...
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Have fun getting tattooed smile

Noticed your posts in the no friends group..so I stopped by to say hey..
I agree...Music is usually what helps..
I probebly wouldent be around if I didnt have my music to listen to when I was having a hard time...

But there will always been those people who look for something to blame....and the music industry is right there...
It sucks....but will probebly always happen...

People just dont want to blame themselves....so they go and blame a band..or a music corporation executive whatever

oh well...Stuff is fucked up..
Hows your night going?
Dammit!... I won't be able to fix my car until Monday mad mad mad

That Fucking sucks. And if I only had friends around this dump I could go out or something!!

Oh well.... blackeyed I guess I will just get my brother to take me to get my lip pierced and my ears redone... Myabe I can get a price on the new tattoo I am going to...
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blackeyed ...Ok. I have a little update! My bro is coming over and we are going to fix the thermostat, and seal the crack in my overfill tank. If it works......PARTY!!!!! biggrin puke skull
Today I am drawing up my next tattoo, And I am finding it hard to choose one... I guess I have too many concepts floating around in my mind at the moment.

I hope this weekend I can get my finish my work on the car, I really would like to catch a show or something... blackeyed

We'll see....