I AM BACK!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy. it was a long time since I had the possibility to see all these cool girls naked and talk to all these awesome persons
damn, if you want to know what I did since now, it's a LOOOOONG story.
I left you talking about my trip to London.
well I didn't meet Caz cuz she was sick, and that's terrible, she called me and she was so sweet and sad so I HAD to apologize her
I had HUGE fun there
cuz you know, I finally went to fun-tastic SLIMELIGHT club. the Mecca of industrial music... I really felt at home there
I also went to Cyberdog shop... AWE-fucking-SOME!!!!!
you gotta go there once in your life. Camden town, y'know.
I bought a cooooool spikey green fluo armband and a ubercool tight thirt, black with the green fluo theme of MATRIX.. I love it!
I love wearing black and green fluo
I went to Milan
RAMMSTEIN GIG! ah ja! wunderbar! I love em, and this was my first time to see em alive. first show in italy since 1999! figure out how much people was there.. lol. great. the guys were incredible, and all the fireworks and cool stuff were soooo cool.
yeah... I'd say my best gig since now.
the night after I went to Zoe, an italian industrial club. very nice, had much fun there. I met up with ppl I knew via internet, and the resident dj drove me home at 5 in the morning
so cute!
friday 25 March I took the airplane and went to FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Deutschland. guess who went to fetch me at the airport? JA! Bambi, meine liebe Bambi. she is so fucking awesome you can't imagine. ah, she told me to say she sucks so no one is gonna ask to stay by her, but I have to be sincere.... she is incredible! KIND, HOT, FUNNY, STRONG.... the perfect SG I guess. I slept 3 nights in her apartment. the old one, yeah, she's moving in the new soon. but hell also the old is great. you saw only the bathroom in her 1st set, but the rest of it ROCKS also more. this girl has style, and her car too
I visited Frankfurt and Mainz. these cities are wonderful! ah jesus! I love Germany. it's the 5th time I go there. but maybe Frankfurt is the coolest one till now. and yeah I had much fun also staying in the flat: it was Bambi's birthday and so she made a nice party and she invited a lot of cool people. I found myself really at ease there. so, as you can guess, now that I'm back home I'm so full of nostalgia, i'm sick I just would live there cuz Bambi and her friends are so kind people and the place is worth to live in I guess. the only thing, is that maybe I'm not cool as them
now, I still have to blank my mind from this ubercool trip, and then on the 9th, there will be the first CYBER NIGHT in my little town. I organized it of course. saturday night, in a club in the centre of the town, 4 hours of industrial_ebm_powernoise_futurepop hits. I would invite all of you there, it'll be fun!
as you can see, I'm in a wonderful mood
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy. it was a long time since I had the possibility to see all these cool girls naked and talk to all these awesome persons

damn, if you want to know what I did since now, it's a LOOOOONG story.
I left you talking about my trip to London.
well I didn't meet Caz cuz she was sick, and that's terrible, she called me and she was so sweet and sad so I HAD to apologize her

I had HUGE fun there
cuz you know, I finally went to fun-tastic SLIMELIGHT club. the Mecca of industrial music... I really felt at home there

I also went to Cyberdog shop... AWE-fucking-SOME!!!!!
you gotta go there once in your life. Camden town, y'know.
I bought a cooooool spikey green fluo armband and a ubercool tight thirt, black with the green fluo theme of MATRIX.. I love it!
I love wearing black and green fluo

I went to Milan
RAMMSTEIN GIG! ah ja! wunderbar! I love em, and this was my first time to see em alive. first show in italy since 1999! figure out how much people was there.. lol. great. the guys were incredible, and all the fireworks and cool stuff were soooo cool.
yeah... I'd say my best gig since now.
the night after I went to Zoe, an italian industrial club. very nice, had much fun there. I met up with ppl I knew via internet, and the resident dj drove me home at 5 in the morning
so cute!

friday 25 March I took the airplane and went to FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Deutschland. guess who went to fetch me at the airport? JA! Bambi, meine liebe Bambi. she is so fucking awesome you can't imagine. ah, she told me to say she sucks so no one is gonna ask to stay by her, but I have to be sincere.... she is incredible! KIND, HOT, FUNNY, STRONG.... the perfect SG I guess. I slept 3 nights in her apartment. the old one, yeah, she's moving in the new soon. but hell also the old is great. you saw only the bathroom in her 1st set, but the rest of it ROCKS also more. this girl has style, and her car too

now, I still have to blank my mind from this ubercool trip, and then on the 9th, there will be the first CYBER NIGHT in my little town. I organized it of course. saturday night, in a club in the centre of the town, 4 hours of industrial_ebm_powernoise_futurepop hits. I would invite all of you there, it'll be fun!

as you can see, I'm in a wonderful mood
of course i remember you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great that u are back now!!!!!!!!!!
whats up in ur live an the plans to come here to vie. ???