Oh my god! Sara and I were talking tonight. I was feeling like an ass cause I haven't been to see Jessica's little brother since she killed herself. He called and it was kinda ugly. Then when I talked to Sara later I was gonna meet her for a little bit. Then she started freaking out. She was crying and she wouldn't say a word to me. Then her battery died. I finally got a hold of her after a bit and she sounded a little better. But I am just tore up inside. I feel for her so bad. She is going through so much right now and I feel I am only making it worse. I wish there was something I could do for her that would make it better. I WOULD DO ANYTHING AT ALL IN THE WORLD FOR HER!! I told her that I don't care what it is, if she needs it or just wants it done then it will be done. I didn't tell her but even if she needs me to disappear I would do it. It's just got me all fucked up and I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I shouldn't feel sorry for loving her. But I kinda do. Then again I always think things are my fault. Who knows, maybe it isn't JUST me but everything. If there is anything she needs she will have it though. God I am all fucked up right now. Wish the both of us luck will you all. Thank you so much and take care everyone.

Maybe you should just chill out and turn off your brain for awhile.