Well, she knows now!!! I LOVE SARA!! I feel as though I have loved her my whole life. It's the weirdest thing. We still don't like, know each other intimately or a whole lot about each other, but she told me that it's as if we have known one another like in a past life like we were always together. It really brings joy to my heart to hear this. It still doesn't change much. She needs her time and I am glad to give it. What is time? It's nothing really. I'd give her my life if it came down to it. I know that each day will still seem an eternity and there will be tough times ahead, but I am glad that these feelings are no longer a secret that either of us has to keep. It's a big step I would say. She is my precious little poppet. And there is no other for me. The second she tells me she has had enough time and HOPEFULLY decides she would like to give it a go, I am going to plant one on her that will take her breath away for weeks to come. Let's hope that time sees fit to treat us well and we come out on top. There is no other better for her, than myself. All I care about is her safety, assurance and happiness. I also have no doubt I can supply all these things in great quantity. Thanks a whole lot for wishing me well everyone and for reading this mushy mess. Take care and have a freakin sweet week!!!!!

miss ya too.
im back and in school.
gah. the life.