Well, let's see. I just had to go to Chicago, not for fun, but to bury my ex with her father. He died 4 years ago and she has no one left in her life but myself and Lisa. I ended up being the executor of her estate. I had to make sure she got from N.C. to Chicago. It's been rough. I feel very much like an ass. I feel as though I should not have to deal with this stuff until I am like 70 or 80 and have been happily married for some time. I guess I am mad and sad at the same time. She broke it off with me 4 years ago when I went to AZ to finish school. Then there is the ever elusive Sara. I am dead in love with her. But I fear that is never going to happen. They cut my hours at work by one third. I feel like I am a rabid rodent stuck in a VERY small cage. I need to reevaluate many things I fear, and I have never been good at that. Anyhow, I just feel I am loosing it. Thanks for asking though, it helps spilling my dirty little guts.
SINcerely, Ron.
SINcerely, Ron.
Thank you so much for yor nice comment on my set! Really makes me feel flattered!