How long are you going to hate me for?
For the longest time I agreed with you, and thought that I was to blame.
That I could be worth no less then I felt right then.
I am not to blame and the world is never fair.
It's sad that or friendship had to die with your sister for you have always meant so much to me.
Elyssa, you were once my entire world. You hurt me running off to Las Vegas with that cock knocker mike.
I never targeted your sister. it is something that just happened. Happened while we were both missing you so much.
I know I said I would always be there for her and the rest of your family, I have had to come to terms with myself in the most horrible ways for that night.
Believe me, given the chance, I would have been there in a second. Her voice seems to call out and crush my heart at the most inopportune times. I will never forget the words or how she sounded.
Or your anger at me. I came and stole your family's heart and soul that morning. And I hated myself with every fiber of my being. I would have let you beat me to a pulp that early morning. You almost did.
I miss you Elyssa. But for some reason if you have to hate me to be o.k. with everything then so be it.
I hope you are happy wherever you may be right now. I hope you have come to realize that I am not at fault for Jessica's decisions. And I would have given my life to save hers. But I think she did not value any life too much at the time. I will always love you both, forever. I don't know if you will ever get a chance to read this and your number is not the same anymore. I can only write it and put it out there. I love you Elyssa.
Please try not to hate me forever, I would value your friendship once more.
Sincerely, Ron.
For the longest time I agreed with you, and thought that I was to blame.
That I could be worth no less then I felt right then.
I am not to blame and the world is never fair.
It's sad that or friendship had to die with your sister for you have always meant so much to me.
Elyssa, you were once my entire world. You hurt me running off to Las Vegas with that cock knocker mike.
I never targeted your sister. it is something that just happened. Happened while we were both missing you so much.
I know I said I would always be there for her and the rest of your family, I have had to come to terms with myself in the most horrible ways for that night.
Believe me, given the chance, I would have been there in a second. Her voice seems to call out and crush my heart at the most inopportune times. I will never forget the words or how she sounded.
Or your anger at me. I came and stole your family's heart and soul that morning. And I hated myself with every fiber of my being. I would have let you beat me to a pulp that early morning. You almost did.
I miss you Elyssa. But for some reason if you have to hate me to be o.k. with everything then so be it.
I hope you are happy wherever you may be right now. I hope you have come to realize that I am not at fault for Jessica's decisions. And I would have given my life to save hers. But I think she did not value any life too much at the time. I will always love you both, forever. I don't know if you will ever get a chance to read this and your number is not the same anymore. I can only write it and put it out there. I love you Elyssa.
Please try not to hate me forever, I would value your friendship once more.
Sincerely, Ron.