OOOOOOOHHH YEAH!!!! I just got done setting up my brand new DIGI002 music production system and it ROCKS!!!!! The First thing I did was dick around with NIN's song "Only". Kinda made a little remix. I will do much more to it later but I just had to mess around a little. I Bounced it as an MP3 so if anyone wants a copy i can totally email it to you or something. Just ask! I told Sara the other night EXACTLY how I feel and she took it pretty well. I thought I would have her running for high ground after that. But it's cool. I can't wait to see her the next time. I hope everyone out there is doing extremely well and you are taking car of yourselves!
SINcerely, Ron.
SINcerely, Ron.

thankyou for commenting on my above the houses set. i'm sorry this is so late, i had almost given up replying, but i have a day to do nothing and i wanted you to know i was grateful