Well it is computer upgrade time. My fiancs main board took a dive so I went looking for a replacement. Unfortunately, its been so long since upgrading my computers that they dont make socket-A main boards anymore. I decided to order parts to upgrade my computer and use my leftover parts to upgrade hers. It went mostly well, until I find out that her hard drive took a dive as well, right along with her CD-ROM and her CD-RW. As always Murphy and his law can eat $#!%. On the plus side, all it took was a few working spare parts and a little vampiric action on my computer to get it working.
Sorry for everyone that was looking forward to a non-tech-nerd update, or that have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.
Sorry for everyone that was looking forward to a non-tech-nerd update, or that have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.

i have no idea what you are talking about so don't feel bad about not knowin what a nutria is!! you ridin yet?? i think i'm goin on a few 30 mile rides in texas next week if i can!!

Do you know of a tattoo guy in Boulder named Joel Long? I knew him from Miami and was wondering if he is still up there. He is a GREAT tattooer, i think you said you didn't know anyone good up there, anyway you might like his work, he's at Boulder ink i think. Is that close to you?