As it turns out, after all the times she stayed the night at my place, from the first time we hung out together, she's got a boyfriend. And on top of that, even after staying over on my birthday, she tells me two days later. Not what I was expecting, but I guess there's a reason I keep my expectations low...
I get fucked over.
blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed
It's my birthday tomorrow.
I don't normally get excited, but my roommate is making special cupcakes and if that isn't enough I've got a half ounce of boomers.
Hopefully, I will only need the cupcakes.
Happy 23rd to me!!!
Oh crap, happy yesterday birthday! <3
I can't keep pulling allnighters, I think I might start to hallucinate soon.
Just finished Glamorama.
What a book, Ellis' writing is one of a kind.
Fashion & terrorism... they go hand in hand.
Yea, that's no good. Any damage at your house? I feel sorry for everyone that had property damaged but....
youre jealous dont be it could be a really horrible date lol if thats what youre talking about
I'm stoked biggrin I'm having a party tonight!!!
For those of you who read this and are in the area, you are invited. (I was too lazy to post an event for it)
We're having a Passing the Torch Party, in which one of our roommates is getting off of probation while the other is starting probation, a Birthday party & we have a new roommate...
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Who you calling old?
Right now I'm reading another novel by Bret Easton Ellis, Glamorama
It's pulling me in, Ellis' writing is very fashionable some might say. I loved American Psycho, both the book and the movie. And this book doesn't stray away from his style one bit.
I'm looking forward to the conclusion, I won't give anything away so far...
I haven't read that one, but I've read American Psycho, Less then Zero, and Rules of Attraction. I didn't really like the last 2, but his style is very interesting. It's also impressive that Less than Zero was published before he was out of college.
Maybe doing shrooms last night wasn't such a good idea
blackeyed puke blackeyed puke
Thank you for comment on my new set Ingress . I hope you have a great day.

Zuraih xoxo
Finally, I found a room for rent.
After a bit of contemplation I decided to move into a friends house, which so far is going pretty well.
Plus, I can now throw a party for any occasion. Which will come in handy during the summer months. I'm just still stoked that I'm out of the folks house, no more having to be quite after midnight...
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So, a couple of days ago I finished reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian...
Holy shit that book was intense. Not to mention it made me feel like an idiot at times because, there were too many words that I didn't know.
All in all it was one of the best books I've picked up in a long time. And I have a feeling that it's...
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Hey thanks I hope so too!