So, it's 1 in the a.m. and I am still up. Pfft. I can't believe this. Meanwhile, today was a good day. The fam hung out and we did the BBQ thing. It was quite relaxing. I got the new Coldplay CD today. Another mainstream sound that I just have to listen to. Don't think I sold out or's just at this point in my life I will listen to anything and everything that makes my heart skip a beat. I honestly think I just need time off...I mean yeah I don't have a job right now but...damn, it's really hectic here in the household. I just need to cleanse my mind but i'm not sure where in the hell to start. Le sigh. I just don't want to murder my soul. It's just I feel like my soul has aged ever since I moved to this place. I don't know...I'm starting to feel a little tired now. I could just be babbling. Hmph...I'm going to lay down. Have a great night ladies and gents.

All right, I'll stop rambling