- on Female rap in Hip-Hop Heads And The Culture
- on The easiest way to get sex (respectfully) in sex talk
- on The easiest way to get sex (respectfully) in sex talk
- on The easiest way to get sex (respectfully) in sex talk
- on The easiest way to get sex (respectfully) in sex talk
- on Respect on tags in everything sg
The climate change is clearly here because I always see more and more of this spiders even in winter. This one was quite small, probably a baby. And I've seen some outside !!!
i love spiders ♥️
I Haste Spiders🥺🥺
I'm happy tomorrow my truck will be re-painted by the guy who did the girl on the truck on the left. I thought asking him making a SG but at first maybe more somethin linked to magic world
I love graff
It's really missing me to take some Kizomba dance lessons !!
AAAAAAAhhhh Sono FELICE s'é calmato il vento !!! Posso fare buoni pizza in forno.
Per 2 settimane col vento dovevo fare legno tutti 2 giorni + comprare in negozio. In tempo normale faccio legno tutte 5-7 giorni !
E quando c'é vento é impossibile da cuccinare buono perche il forno si raffreda troppo veloce
Il piu peggio ché forno attira onde (typo 3G, WIFI) dentro
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That's me at the time I kept my hairs attached and didn't wash for so long while I was livin in the street and it did a unkike mega dreadlock