Have you seen my newest set Do I wanna know?
It has been 3 weeks I'm home after 6 weeks in Italy and USA and frequent travels on and off since last summer. With my current lifestyle I very rarely stay in this country for more than 3 weeks in a row.
But even now, after I've been to the famous cities like Paris, London, Rome, New York and countless others, after seeing marvellous sceneries and coasts, I'm still in love with the city of Kyiv. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm still happy every time I go for a walk in parks and hills, and I tell every foreigner I get to know to come visit this beautiful and historical place.
Today I was full of these nostalgic thoughts, but also showing off my legs and tats. Here's the evidence:
How about your cities, pals?
@rambo @missy