On March 8th in Ukraine we celebrate the International women's day. It has deep roots, and I'm not going to explain it's history of it, you can easily read it on the link provided, if you're interested.
Sadly, now in most families, communities and workplaces here it's viewed as "the day of spring, feminine beauty and tenderness".
And every year real battles unfold in the local media and social networks. Many people insist that the 8th of March should be canceled, since it's a blunt and unnecessary Soviet feast, someone claims that the holiday of "spring and beauty" should be kept at least to remind us of the heavy fate of women and how they need love ... Feminists are convinced (and the history is on their side) that March 8th is about human rights, about the capability of a woman to be a full-fledged part of society at the same level with men, so at least mention these events once a year , in my opinion, definitely worth it. And in a world where almost 30% of women who have been in a relationship have experienced physical and/or sexual violence talk about the rights and opportunities is necessary. And it's worth doing this, probably not only on the eve of March 8th.
I am proud to be female. And I'm grateful to people of past and present who fought for the rights I have now. For the chance to build a successful career in the field of my choice.
For letting me have exactly as much sex as I want.
For the chance for me to choose myself what to do with my body, how much of it to show or not to show, how many tattoos to have and what hair color.
To @missy @rambo and all the ladies here:
Happy International Women's Day!