I have just started to re-read 'The Catch In the Rye' for the first time since high school. I get a lot of my read-time on the train I take downtown in the morning and evening and I have quickly learned to bend the front cover around so that people cant see the title, already 4 people have made comments about how great it is...
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just uploaded a pic of a piece I am having in a show feb. 8 on the south side of the loop in chicago. wanna go?
Opening Reception
Sunday Feb. 8th, 2004
5pm to 8pm
Dress Code: RED
@The Framing Mode
1526 S. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60605
on a slightly unrelated, but artistically related note, check out mr. Macaroni @ Roxanne's pics
Opening Reception
Sunday Feb. 8th, 2004
5pm to 8pm
Dress Code: RED
@The Framing Mode
1526 S. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60605
on a slightly unrelated, but artistically related note, check out mr. Macaroni @ Roxanne's pics
I am procrastinating like a pro tonight, I have 3 illustration due tommorrow and I am not even close to being done. Today I went to a grocery to take notes and pics for a marketing class I have, some employee freaked and the manager asked me to leave, like I may be a terrorist or something, he used a lot of non-words.
speaking of...
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speaking of...
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Mmmm, green tea. The last time my cousin visited from Idaho, I had him hooked on it before he went home. Now he can't find it anywhere....
Thats one good thing about my metropolitan existence.. I can find just about anything I want to eat at any time without going more than 10 miles from home.
Thats one good thing about my metropolitan existence.. I can find just about anything I want to eat at any time without going more than 10 miles from home.

Check out Mr. Macaroni in my pics section
Just got my tickets to the SG show at the metro on th 19th, Im really excited, sounds like a blast!

you're implying i should name my fish SUSHI???? you sicko.
[Edited on Jan 21, 2004 10:38PM]
[Edited on Jan 21, 2004 10:38PM]
so, I have never actually kept much of an online journal, do I write about myself? about this site? At any rate there is a girl I know that wants to be on this site, she is mucho capable of fitting right in, so with a little luck and barely any clothes I hope that I can bring her here for all to enjoy. I...
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Just joined, A girl I live with knows Claudia and had me check it out. THis is my first pay site, I feel a lot of love here and the pics are not disgusting human anatomy studies.
good to be welcomed
[Edited on Jan 17, 2004 4:22PM]

[Edited on Jan 17, 2004 4:22PM]