......please go to AnySoldier.com and show support to our troops! The U.S. Post Office supplies flate-rate boxes that are only $8 to ship...no matter what it weighs!!! Let them know we have NOT forgotten them! I attached a letter I just received from the unit I am supporting. Please read it and know that our support means a lot to them!!!

Wow, I mean WOW!! I can not believe how much you sent us recently. I received so much from you and a few small packages from others that I had to give away most of it. My section took quite a bit, but there was still a ton of goodies left over. Not to worry though. I took two large boxes that were over flowing up to the section I support and yelled Free Stuff just so I could sit back and watch the fur fly. It took less than two minutes flat for the boxes to be emptied. Watching high ranking officers all the way down to privates fight over the goodies was humorous to say the least. I am sure that you can picture what happened.
Life here continues. Shift work seems to cause one day to run into the next. I have to look at my watch several times a day to remind myself of the date. Now that I am running my section my days usually last 14 to 15 hours. Let me tell you that when I am back in the states working an 8 hour day again it will feel like a vacation for a while. The temperature here is starting to climb a bit but the temp here is much more preferable than say Baghdad or Kuwait. Right now those two locations are averaging around 110 to 125 degrees. We are not even close to that.
Anyways, I have to be going now. Thank you again for all your support.
SPC Alan Chesley
CJ2 Jise Syscon