In the past few months I've been working hard with Pin up photographer Viva Van Story and I daresay with pretty good results!

Go check out her website to see more,
On february 27th we'll be shooting at the beauty bar in Brooklyn for some more 60's vibe styled photos and we still have a few spots open!
If you like pinups or want some fun pictures taken by a professional photographer with hair and make up included in the package, you should check this out!
My beloved Erica will do the rest!
Contact me or Viva for info.
On a different note, this is what I do when I have time off

Go check out her website to see more,
On february 27th we'll be shooting at the beauty bar in Brooklyn for some more 60's vibe styled photos and we still have a few spots open!
If you like pinups or want some fun pictures taken by a professional photographer with hair and make up included in the package, you should check this out!
My beloved Erica will do the rest!
Contact me or Viva for info.
On a different note, this is what I do when I have time off

i love your Black Metal set!
