My multi with the lovely @salemgrey is now LIVE! Please CLICK HERE and give it your love!
I had such a fun time shooting with SalemGrey, and @carolinehellcat is a wonderful photographer to work with - her work behind the camera is amazing, and the edits are just so beautiful!! I’m so happy with this set and how it came out, please give it your love 💗 like how SalemGrey gave me her love 😘
( @rambo @missy )
"Daredevy" Thank You!!! Your Interaction with SalemGrey" in "Fire & Ice" is a Beautiful, Sensuous, Creative, Suggestive, Vulnerable, Uninhibited, Provocative, Stimulating, Playful, Erotic, Artistic Intimate View into the Life of Two Strikingly Beautiful, Sexy, Passionate, Stunningly Gorgeous Women; that Draw Us into Their Propinquity-of-Sexual-Kinetic-Energy-Arousing-Our-Appetite-For-More-Of-Their-Sensuous-Seduction!!!!! "FIRE & ICE" IS BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE ARTISTIC EXPRESSIVE CLASSIC PHOTOGRAPHY; AND BECAUSE OF THE DRAMATIC PROFESSIONAL EXPRESSION OF "SALEMGREY & DAREDEVY" IN THIS ARTISTIC WORK THEY BOTH SHOULD BECOME "SUICIDEGIRLS"11111 thank you for this beautiful work!!!!! IT LOOKS LIKE THE YEAR "TWO-THOUSAND-TWENTY" IS STARTING OUT ON A BEAUTIFUL ARTISTIC NOTE AND MAY THIS EROTIC ART BE RECOGNIZED!!!!! PINK!!! PINK!!! PINK!!! BE JOYOUS, HEALTHY, SAFE, SEXY, SEDUCTIVE, SUCCESSFUL, PINK, CREATIVE, SEXY, PINK, AND PROSPEROUS!!! SENDING YOU ROMAANTIC PINK LOVE11111
@gentjanophilic thank you so so much for your kind words!! Your review has started my day on such a lovely note!! Thank you 💗💗💗