Anyone like that little Bojack title joke? No? Okay, moving on.
Seriously, guys, who knows about the beneficial qualities CBD holds?
I've been using cannabis for 5 years now, and only 2 years ago did I start to learn about CBD, and what it does. If you're looking to get stoned, you're in the wrong place. CBD is all about healing.
Healing what, you ask? CBD can be used to help anxiety, reduce inflamation, reduce seizures, sleep, and much more! Personally, I've mainly used CBD to completely replace my anxiety and sleep medications I had previously been prescribed. In fact, cannabis products have completely replaced all of my medications (disclaimer: not for everyone, and only to be done safely and slowly overtime).
There are so many different ways you can use CBD, as well, ranging from concentrates (like a CBD dab) to discrete food and drink items!
Over the past two years I've done a lot of my own research, by reading up on any information I can find and trying all the products I can get my hands on! Luckily for me, Albuquerque homes a handfull of CBD shops and headshops that offer CBD items.
So let me tell you about some of the ways I've tried using CBD, what I was using the product for, and my personal results!
I love a good vape, guys, and I'm super anti-tobacco, so the CBD vapes are a BLESSING. There are a ton of different types - you can get cartridges to screw onto a battery or throw away pen. The one I have pictured above was a throw away type, pre-loaded with around 300 puffs, lasted me a good two/three weeks. How long it lasts really depends on how much you puff on them, and how long, but I have noticed that the CBD cartdriges tend to not last as long. I really love using the vapes for my anxiety, and personally found them to be helpful.
Earlier I mentioned CBD dabs, and that's what this yummy looking treat above is! You can take it like a normal dab, in a rig or with a nector collector, or you can sprikle in on top of your bong/pipe bowl as a little extra treat! This is a great way to take a lot of CBD at once. I enjoyed the taste, and the little extra anxiety relief it offered to me. My friend reported it helped her back pain, though it did not do the same for me.
I cannot rave enough about CBD bathbombs. They leave your skin so soft, and they relax you sooo well. I'd only suggest using a CBD bathbomb if it's nighttime and you're ready for bed after your bath, because they really do tend to make you drowsy. Also, use tinctures as directed, or slightly more, but never drastically more. I use a tincture in the mornings or when I'm feeling extra anxious!When I was recovering from my tonsillectomy a little over a year ago, I used CBD tinctures to help me heal instead of pain killers, and I ended up healing a lot faster and with less compications than most adults (bonus: I also didn't have to suffer withdrawl sysptoms from the highly addictive pain killers my docor trid to prescribe me!). Occasionally I'll also put a couple drops from the tincture in a bath if I don't have a CBD bathbomb. Also pictured above on the far left is a balm, which is perfect for back massages! I have terrible back pain and the CBD balm offers a lot of relief for me.
Let me tell you guys about this CBD tea. I'm not a tea person. I don't enjoy tea. But this was a sip of HEAVEN. I've enver teasted anything so magical in my entire life. Perfect end-of-the-day drink. I highly suggest you try a CBD loose-leaf tea if you've had a stressful day. Add a bathbomb on with that and you have the perfect recipe to unwind.
Last (and maybe least), chocolate! Did you think I'd forget about dessert? Because I could never. Personally, the chocolate had no noticable effect on me, but it tasted yummy!
There's a lot I could tell you aboout CBD, but mostly I want to tell you not to expect too much. CBD will not get you stoned. You won't always notice that it's even working until suddenly you no longer have it. I immeditely noticed that it helped my anxiety and pain, but not all of you will notice the same. And if you don't notice any effects with one product, maybe try another, don't just give up! Like with prescribed medication, it takes some trial and error sometimes before you find the correct fit for yourself.
So SG fam ( @missy @rambo ) do you like CBD? Have you tried it? And if not, will you?
If you have any questions, drop them below! Happy Sunday friends! š