The first few times riding around with no sleeves in the spring... nothing compares. Riding my bike across town today I felt strong, stronger than I have in awhile. It's so exciting to feel your endurance grow. I'm sorry that my journal is all about biking... it's just that it's all I care about. Friday night I'm going dancing. Like for fun, with clothes on. Looking forward to it.
talk about biking all you want. my bike is my car. i never got the whole car thing. if i get anything motorized it'd be a vesspa or a motorbike. 2 wheels are just better then 4.
darcy you r sooo cute! i couldn't even scroll to the bottom of your pic gallery - yer just too cute - i didn't want to see to much - does that make since? i can totally relate to the riding - it's amazing to feel your body adapt to physical stress. empowering! keep it up!