disgust with staying in all the time finally reached a point last night that I had a burning need to get out and do something. I decided to hit the Castle, because I haven't been there in years. And what happened? It was raining outside.
"Bah, fuckit."
I went anyway.
In retrospect, I probably should have worn my trench, because walking without an umbrella in the cold rain is like yelling "Hey! Pneumonia! Over here!" at one's favorite $deity. Today I'm mildly ill, with my sinuses trying to assimilate my skull and my nose running like a triathlon contestant.
Nevertheless, I had fun. Didn't get laid, but I did get felt up by a couple of attractive women, and I danced...(ed. note: this is as normal as a duck winning the lottery) For much of the time, it was just me and the music...I danced like no one else was on the dance floor. And for a few moments...I was the music. Sonic synchronicity in a state of bliss. Made the whole night worth it.
"Bah, fuckit."
I went anyway.

In retrospect, I probably should have worn my trench, because walking without an umbrella in the cold rain is like yelling "Hey! Pneumonia! Over here!" at one's favorite $deity. Today I'm mildly ill, with my sinuses trying to assimilate my skull and my nose running like a triathlon contestant.
Nevertheless, I had fun. Didn't get laid, but I did get felt up by a couple of attractive women, and I danced...(ed. note: this is as normal as a duck winning the lottery) For much of the time, it was just me and the music...I danced like no one else was on the dance floor. And for a few moments...I was the music. Sonic synchronicity in a state of bliss. Made the whole night worth it.