Good heavens, I've not updated for quite some time. tbh, not much to tell, really. Did go to a concert with Sting and Annie Lennox last night. Was quite impressive: Annie has a phenomenal capability to belt out songs, and Sting is, well, Sting. Both of them were kinda tired, kinda sad, and they rocked the hell out of the Ford Amp. Overall, life is good.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 17, 2005
How interesting... Boss goes away on vacation for a week. Boss say… -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
Er. I had thought I'd made another journal more recently, but I suppo… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
"Don't turn your back on me, don't ever let me down..." - Floggin… -
Friday May 20, 2005
Martial arts as religion. "This is my church. This is where I heal… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
It's getting to the point that no matter how stagnant or fucked or st… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
In life, it is easy to acquire...habits. Habits become patterns...pat… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2005
And now... More! Random! Babbbbbbbbling! I've found someone i… -
Wednesday Apr 13, 2005
"You can't kill me..." 27 hours at work over the past two days. So… -
Sunday Apr 10, 2005
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable." The martial arts class… -
Sunday Apr 03, 2005
I sit up, awake (hot, salty, sticky blood pulses through me) I look…
you stole it from me by a month...
(ie i subscribed a month after you did, and typed the same name in)
i've been looking for you!!!
Nice to meet you fellow Heretic!