Boredom prevails. Some background: like many Gainesville (and many more ex-Gainesville) residents, I have recently graduated from UF. Having done so, and lacking any desire to go to grad school for the time being, I have been looking for work (preferably not in this town, as the market for IT workers in this town sucketh mightily).
All well and good, yes? Should be able to find something decent (as I have both a degree and some work experience), yes?
*que the universe's evil laughter here*
...Yeah. Sure. So, I've been job hunting for the entirety of the month. I've heard nada from the companies I've applied to.
So, I've decided to move down to Tampa and get a filler job to pay the bills until such time as I can get into something decent.
I will be moving in about 3 weeks, unless I hear back from some places that would like to hire me (the odds of which I believe to be similar to the odds of winning the lottery and finding a tall, gorgeous redhead to snog, all on the same day).
Until then, boredom prevails. Oh. Joy. Oh. Rapture.
All well and good, yes? Should be able to find something decent (as I have both a degree and some work experience), yes?
*que the universe's evil laughter here*
...Yeah. Sure. So, I've been job hunting for the entirety of the month. I've heard nada from the companies I've applied to.
So, I've decided to move down to Tampa and get a filler job to pay the bills until such time as I can get into something decent.
I will be moving in about 3 weeks, unless I hear back from some places that would like to hire me (the odds of which I believe to be similar to the odds of winning the lottery and finding a tall, gorgeous redhead to snog, all on the same day).
Until then, boredom prevails. Oh. Joy. Oh. Rapture.