What is the good?
I have a stable job, making a decent amount. I've a vehicle that works well, and a nice apt.
What is the bad?
My job is like a velvet-lined cage. I sit and do nothing, most days. My life has gotten into a rut; the pattern is much the same from day to day, week to week. I can feel my passion for life, my strength, ebbing to the banality of the everyday life.
And yet...I'm not doing much about it. The contradiction is obvious: but why does it exist at all?
I have a stable job, making a decent amount. I've a vehicle that works well, and a nice apt.
What is the bad?
My job is like a velvet-lined cage. I sit and do nothing, most days. My life has gotten into a rut; the pattern is much the same from day to day, week to week. I can feel my passion for life, my strength, ebbing to the banality of the everyday life.
And yet...I'm not doing much about it. The contradiction is obvious: but why does it exist at all?
Sorry, I probably hate double posts at least as much as you do...
