From 0 to speed, from boredom to activity. The world is changing around me, my life is changing a bit ('s good that my life changes, but I hate moving), and best of all, the Ren Faire and several badass concerts are coming up (e.g. saw Sonata Arctica on Monday, Flogging Molly next weekend). It's not much of a life, but damn, if it isn't fun.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 17, 2005
How interesting... Boss goes away on vacation for a week. Boss say… -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
Er. I had thought I'd made another journal more recently, but I suppo… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
"Don't turn your back on me, don't ever let me down..." - Floggin… -
Friday May 20, 2005
Martial arts as religion. "This is my church. This is where I heal… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
It's getting to the point that no matter how stagnant or fucked or st… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
In life, it is easy to acquire...habits. Habits become patterns...pat… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2005
And now... More! Random! Babbbbbbbbling! I've found someone i… -
Wednesday Apr 13, 2005
"You can't kill me..." 27 hours at work over the past two days. So… -
Sunday Apr 10, 2005
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable." The martial arts class… -
Sunday Apr 03, 2005
I sit up, awake (hot, salty, sticky blood pulses through me) I look…