And now...

More! Random! Babbbbbbbbling!

I've found someone interesting. (Background: "interesting" for me is roughly equivalent to "hot" for most people) She's rather quiet, very sweet, somewhat romantic and very weird. I like being with her. We have a tendency to end up on my couch, with one of us holding the other. I'm more open with her about my thoughts than I have been...
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"You can't kill me..."

27 hours at work over the past two days. Sometimes it sucks when hardware decides to leave this world...
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

The martial arts class I'm taking is kicking my ass...to be expected of course, as I'm hideously out of shape, but still...I'm sore in more places more often than I have been for quite some time. It's annoying, but it's a good pain.

"You don't have to work that hard with me."

She meant it in a different way than...
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I sit up, awake
(hot, salty, sticky blood pulses through me)
I look out, beautiful day!
(My heart beats in my chest, the rhythm of my life defined in the beat)
Today I'm alive.

I'm contented...there will be no sacrificing of virgins to me today. biggrin
Sometimes you just have to do something to prove to yourself that you still have "it". The "it" varies from person to person, though...
Every once in a while, you find out something that turns the world on it's side for a while. Someone I knew from HS, who decided to go on a self-destruction bent in college, is getting married ("There but for the Grace of God go I..."), and a friend of mine from HS is calling into question their gender identity.

I think I'll go have...
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"Evolution is continuous."

I checked out a martial arts class that a few of my coworkers have been doing. They got a little heavy on the philosophy, but damn it was nice to be able to focus my body and my mind like that again...and who knows, maybe I need to hear some of the philosophy.

Work continues apace, with code monkeys yowling their masses...
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The Renaissance Festival...lots of beautiful women in dresses and skirts. It was a sight to see, but it reminded me in a very visceral manner that I haven't gotten laid for quite some time.

Nonetheless, I had fun. Perfect weather, walking around in a medieval faire, enjoying shows and window shopping at vendors' booths. And tonight, I'm in a mood to hit the Castle. Let...
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I'm in need to send out some digital spew: If you don't like my whinging about my life, do move along without comment...I've probably heard it, and I don't care.

In the quiet, in the dark, unknown and alone. This is what I have brought myself to: this is what I'm comfortable with now.

I hate nu-metal...it all sounds like pointless whining to me, a...
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It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...finally. Cold == good. Rain == ehh, ok. Cold + rain == "teh suck". This is Florida dammit, we need sunshine!


(Holy shit, did I just profess a need for sunlight?)
"He liked that very much...to be awake, and not able to think."

Yay for friends who will get you drunk when you're feeling like shit! biggrin
So...my disgust with staying in all the time finally reached a point last night that I had a burning need to get out and do something. I decided to hit the Castle, because I haven't been there in years. And what happened? It was raining outside.

"Bah, fuckit."

I went anyway. biggrin
In retrospect, I probably should have worn my trench, because walking without an umbrella...
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