So last night I went to the rickshaw for the first time, which is all a part of my grand master plan to get my ass out the door and meet new people.
I met tawnya, sydni, Baka_Amerikanjin, Trevallion, ricerx, and perhaps a few other people who's names I cannot recall.
When I first walked into rickshaws, I had no idea what to do. I saw some strangely dressed people(btw: I liked the dress, Tawnya!), and I figured it was the SG group. I recognised tawnya from the tatoo on her back, which made me feel kinda weird, but apparently tawnya is use to it.
I enjoyed myself, although I was a bit quiet. I have a tendency to be rather quiet and reserved until I get to know people a bit better, at which point I turn into a loud obnoxious mexican salsa dancer.
Hmm, I should get to work. Later peeps.
So last night I went to the rickshaw for the first time, which is all a part of my grand master plan to get my ass out the door and meet new people.
I met tawnya, sydni, Baka_Amerikanjin, Trevallion, ricerx, and perhaps a few other people who's names I cannot recall.
When I first walked into rickshaws, I had no idea what to do. I saw some strangely dressed people(btw: I liked the dress, Tawnya!), and I figured it was the SG group. I recognised tawnya from the tatoo on her back, which made me feel kinda weird, but apparently tawnya is use to it.
I enjoyed myself, although I was a bit quiet. I have a tendency to be rather quiet and reserved until I get to know people a bit better, at which point I turn into a loud obnoxious mexican salsa dancer.
Hmm, I should get to work. Later peeps.
Heh. My first interaction with SG people was at the burlesque show...imagine meeting about 20+ girls that you've seen naked before all at the same time. 

the pic of you and your kittie is cute, yall look alike..