Three things I learned from my work xmas party:

1. I look damn fine in a suit.
Bought new slacks and a jacket for the party and decided wearing a tie would be complimentary. biggrin

2. I really need a new camera.
As good-quality as my phone is at taking pictures around the house or with friends, a dimly-lit bar/restaurant/club thing means I have to play...
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Loser wink
You love it. tongue
Good! wink And nice picture by the way! biggrin
Spent the day in Toronto today, exploring the area. It's always been a pain in my ass that I've officially worked in the city for over a year and still don't really know where anything is beyond a handful of fast food places for lunch/dinner and some movie theatres. I figure, you know, if my job security is solid I'll likely wind up moving out...
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I found myself looking through old folders on my computer from college; scripts, essays, reports, project files and the like. God damn I was one creative son-of-a-bitch. Did I just lose my muse or my drive? *le sad*
I got a haircut today. That's about all that's been happening lately.

This past weekend I caught the "black lung" and got the day off. It was an excellent time to get it, too, since I was having a hard time this week staying awake. My team decided since there was very little to do that one of us should take advantage and infect ourselves...
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So, guess I should post a blog, since that would make me awesome and interesting.

Hallowe'en was a few days ago, wasn't it? I went as Tony Stark - with the glowing chest piece and an admittedly bad goatee - to a house party thrown by a friend I havn't seen since college. There were a handful of similarly-categorized friends at said party, and it...
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I said that I need Lucky Charms damnit! Luck is for...RPGs.