So today was the day the girl I've been crushing on from work and I hung out. We meet up for some coffee. She wanted to see some of my artwork so I took my sketchbook. After I wanted to should her some of my paintings so we went to my place to check them out. Then we hung out just talking and watched Away...
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So I woke up just now after getting home around 4 am from work, we've started inventory and got off later than expected. Anyway I woke up thinking about something I read in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Mainly the part where Dorian is telling his friend Harry about the woman Sibyl Vane, the actress that he has seen and fallen in love with. This...
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WOOT so I did get a text back from the most beautiful girl that I work with. We're planning to hang out on Thursday probably get some food, hang out, look at so art and chat it up a cool like. Hopefully no pain attacks. I'm looking at you little bastard voice in my head. I'm seriously going to kick your ass if you fuck...
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Well I got a text from the awesomely cute girl at work asking what my schedule looked like for next week and that she would love to see my art. I replied by saying that it looks like I'll be free Thursday or Friday and for her to let me know if one of those days would work for her. Shortly after I kicked myself...
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I did try painting to clam myself last night but it didn't seem to work so well. I didn't fall asleep until the early morning. And once I did get to sleep I have a really crazy ass dreams. I don't remember how it started but my family and I where hang out with a group of people that we didn't know. I think it...
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So I need to email my therapist to make an appointment because my anxiety is totally out of control right now I'm shaking like crazy, my heart is racing and I don't know why. I would call her but that would just make things worse. I'm never been good on the phone I shake even harder and then my voice gets so shaky I can't...
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So I hope everyone that celebrated Christmas yesterday had a great day full of peace, love and all that good stuff. My day was very good. My anxiety seem to stay under control very well yesterday I was very calm and didn't even feel the need to pop any pills which was nice for a change. My family came over for a early dinner. Which...
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OMG, NO WAY! blushbiggrinbiggrin
Dude, and -super- flattered now! That is so great! So do you just pump out sweet drawings like it's nothing? Because that's not fair. I definitely just saved that. XD

SPEAKING OF DRAWINGS. Did you give cute-girl the letter? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
So in the mad rush of holiday shoppers you always get those totally awesome moments that just brighten up your day. One came yesterday when this lady who was shopping with her young daughter (probably six or seven years old). The lady was shopping for pants for her husband, she had gone through all the ones that were out on display and wanted to know...
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Sometimes I think Life would be simpler if I had super powers. Any one I don't care really just if I had one. I mean I understand how it would also make my life harder at times being so different from everyone else. But I enjoy being different. I would be so proud that I had powers. I wonder how I would use my powers...
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