I did try painting to clam myself last night but it didn't seem to work so well. I didn't fall asleep until the early morning. And once I did get to sleep I have a really crazy ass dreams. I don't remember how it started but my family and I where hang out with a group of people that we didn't know. I think it was some kind of party. Everyone was talking and laughing and I was fine at first then the anxiety kicked in out of nowhere and my heart started racing. I started freaking out and talking really fast and loud to everyone about random stuff. Everyone started looking at me like I was nuts and I started shaking like crazy. For some reason we all left the party at the same time and decided to go to this pizza parlor near the house I grow up in that held all my little league baseball get together. Once there I was still shaking now harder than ever but now I was off in the corner near the arcade machines I was being really quite soon became short of breath. The room started spinning as people started coming up to me asking what was wrong. I told them my side where hurting which they had just begin to. Shortly after my family and I left the pizza place they continued to ask me what was wrong speaking quickly and in broken sentence I told them everything that I was happening to me. They told me that it was all in my head and that I was fine. As they told me this I started hurting in different places in my body my back along my spine, my neck, different parts of my legs and arms and my sides started hurting even worst. It was like a burning stabbing feeling coming from inside of me like something was trying to get out. When end up going to my childhood home and it was dark. I decide I wanted to go to sleep so I head to my old room. The hall room to my room was dark and creepy. As I walked everything started to spin again I started to walk in short little spurts from one side of the fall way to the next. When I finally made it to the my bedroom I was hunched over in pain. I made my way to my bed and laid down. The wall of my old room start to melt as I start to scream in pain but nothing came out. Fear rushed throw my mind. Finally I high pitch moan of pain came out softly at first then grow louder. I looked down at the parts of my body that hurt the most and could see thing pushing on my skin from the inside. It start to my the outer skin itch and I try starching it but it didn't seem to help the burning stabbing feeling became worst and I started to scream loudly with pain. My mom and dad ran into the room to see what was wrong with me. I told them again the said that I was fine and it was all in my head. The walk out of my room leaving in pain. I laid there for sometime unable to help myself as it continue to get worst. I tried to get to my feet but fell to the floor I started to crawl with great speed even though I was still in great pain I start to speak but what came out didn't make much sense. I made my way down the hall to my family telling them that I really need help. They said I was acting crazy and that they were going to call my therapist to find out what to do. I made my way back t my room, this time I crawled so fast I went up on to the walls at times. Once in my room the pain got worst and I could stay still. I could see a dark shadowy mist start to wrap itself around my body as if it was coming from me and a part of me. My family all came in and told me it was time to go. I asked them where we were going and they just kept saying it was time to go. The open up the blinds to let the light in from outside and freak out and crawled under my bed a quick a possible yelling for them to close the blinds. the light was hurting my eyes. Two men dressed in white run into my room hold a straight jacket. They told me it was time to go. My eyes started to glow eye and the dark shadowy mist became darker. I started to scream and the place in my body with pain shoot out black bone like spikes. The men move in to pull me out from under my bed and I jump out at them. My hand where like claws and my teeth like daggers. This was when I woke up. I did fall back asleep again and my normal weird dreams but this one freaked me out a little.
I must leave now to start my drive to LA I hope everyone has a great new years eve.
I must leave now to start my drive to LA I hope everyone has a great new years eve.