It's weird I haven't been motivated to play any video games lately. I have the new Kingdom hearts game and some others that I've really wanted to play but i just haven't felt like sitting down and playing them as of late. I've really been on a movie kick lately I watch the movie Paper Heart lately and it was real a cute and new...
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Don't take this the wrong way. Because there are pretty girls all around the world, but I've come to notice by surfing the internet mind you so my research in first person isn't is all but zero see I've never been there before. But it seem to me all the hella fine women live in Canada, OK not all because I meet a lot of...
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Thanks for the comment and the add. :]

I get panic attacks too.. I just end up carrying a bottle of sedatives for when they start up. But then whenever they do happen, I'm usually so worked up I forget to take them. Ehhhhhhh, ..

Good luck with the appointment.
Monsters of Folk 'Dear God'

Dear god, I'm trying hard to reach you
Dear god, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes its so hard to believe in
Good god I know you have your reasons

Dear god I see you move the mountains
Dear god I see you moving trees
Sometimes its nothing to believe in
Sometimes its everything I see

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On the topic of Lap Dances; is there anything better than a good old down to earth grade A lap dances? Well maybe dry humping comes close beside straight out fucking (or making love if it's passionate). But a girl that feel so comfortable with her body and is willing to give a guy a lap dance for no reason at all just to make...
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I've got to go to work here in a bit. But I just want to say that I finish the rough draft of the script for the first book in my graphic novel series if I decided to individual books then later a trade backs that is. It's a really cool superheros meets ninjas set in the real world and as the story goes on...
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Yay for rainy days. I love these days sleeping in listening to the rain outside. When I do get up I take a nice warm shower get dressed in warm clothes and sit down with my laptop to check my email. Surf the internet look at naked women as I watch movies and type out my graphic novel. I pop some dextromethorphan pills to get...
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Wow it's good to be back on the site. All the beautiful women looking so sexy. Great job with all the new sets ladies. I haven't been one for chat on here in the past but I'm looking to change that this time around. So where to begin. Since my last account went up I've move down to Aptos, Cali where I had a hell...
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