Time to take a break from writing about my own
decadent, yet
miniscule existence.
It would hard for me to write about anything
other than the dread & anxiety of
the overwhelming tragedy of the past few days.
What follows are a few reposts from various sources:
SG boards, myspace friends, yahoo news groups, blogs, etc.
photomares said:
Here's a link to the New Orleans newspaper,The Times-Picayune it gives better information than the BS rumours we have seen posted here. It's updated daily so before you post misinformation based on rumours this link should help, or keep you up on current rescue efforts.
The Times-Picayune
New Orleans Mayor Speaks
No more press conferences!
The ones needing help can't hear them anyway!
To contact Loisiana Gov. Blanco
To contact the President @ the White House:
To contact your Senator:
To contact your Representative:
This site has a number of already written letters
concerning this sad subject
in it's "soapbox section":
MoveOn.org now has an emergency housing site set up:
Under the spoiler is the complete e-mail-
in honor of my own rescued dogs...
I offer first these links:
American Kennel Club's Canine Relief Fund for lost or abandoned dogs.~link~
American Humane Association/Animal Rescue League effort~LINK~
Humane Society disaster relief fund~link~
One of the best comprehensive hyperlink updates/info
collection throughout all the web,
is from the PunditGuy's blog:
I highly recommend that you utilize
such a useful compendium of real time info.
For various charities I recomend this blog site:
instapundit's very helpful list of voluteer/charity sites~link~
Helpful links specifically for New Orleans area victims:
nola weblog- a site for families to find each other/shelter/friends/etc. ~LINK~
Craigslist New Orleans has offers of housing for Katrina refugees.~Link~
Helpful forums from New Orleans TV Station
Searching for someone? post in this special forum/link
Are you okay? and you want loved ones to know you're safe-Post in this forum/link
I spent many hours pouring thru
pics and such for various reasons.
This may take a minute to download...
But I think it brings the tragedy into
a bit more unsettling perspective.
NY Times detailed map of New Orleans destruction
(from news editor Salome)
NASA Earth Observatory satellite images of New Orleans flooding.
United States Geological Survey LandSat satellite images of New Orleans flooding. (high res)
reposted from Scream Queen Pin Up
(remember her?!?!)
from her efforts on myspace
I keep hearing people saying that they wish they could do something for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Well you can!
I put together this list of websites for you to visit to find out about donating and/or volunteering to help those less fortunate than yourself.
Please repost this friends.
Together we can make a difference...
hearts jana (ScreamQueenPinup)
How You Can Help Hurricane Katrina Victims:
Donations should be made to
the America Red Cross online
or call 1(800) HELP NOW
A full list of agencies to donate to as suggested by FEMA can be found @ http://www.fema.gov/press/2005/resources_katrina.shtm
That whole media controversy about
Certain people "looting" as opposed to others "finding":
There's an interesting discussion on this in the forum section of the Poynters Institutes's Romenesko section where journalists are weighing in on the New Orleans coverage.