This shall be an update about
almost being carjacked last night,
missing my Hero who's in Heaven,
dogfights & sitting on my porch
holding my poor pooch
while my hands cake with blood.
Oh boy! sorry that
last lusty
post stayed up so long!
I've been on one insane bender
for I figure 40+ straight days now!
This past week I'm trying to catch up
on much needed sleep.
I've also too many
Lovers lately
for my own good!
(Like I should ever complain about that!)
I feel drained but I can't seem to slow down.
I also seem to have an inexhaustible
energy and virile resilience!
(No I'm not using any "helpers" either!)
I think it's a mania of escape
from mourning for my dear Dad and for my
future fiancee who passed on the same month.
My weeks have been one blessed blur of
fun, frolic, flesh, & trippin' the light fantastic.
Mind you, tho..
it's also been a profound mix of epiphany &
reflection for me.
I miss my dearly departed Pops oh so much.
I mean, I'm obviously trying a touch to lose
my mournful demeanor in a mad, mad mix
of sex, smiles, sleepless sunrises,
& living on the edge-all decadent like.
But know that I also take some time to heal and help myself
thru this insane epoch of my Life.
I'm still standing and ready to go again for this very busy weekend.
I also have my hands full with 4 frenetic dogs who
make my free time fun but a muddy mess!
Gauguin, my rescued mutt has
a knack for getting loose and jumping my 6 ft. fences and stroilling
'round my dangerous hoodie.
[bSpeaking of my razor dangerous area-
I think i was moments ahead of getting car jacked last night!
Truly nutso, i know
I was driving around about 3ish this morn-
looking for Gauguin.
I drove past some sorta commotion
going on down this certain alley a block from my house.
Next time I turned past that spot-
there was this nice BMW just sitting there,
It's lights were on and
it's windsheild wipers switching and such.
I drove as close as I could
and saw the door open.
the window busted,
crapola all over the road.
A bad feelin' came over me
and I backed down the way.
I was a bit freaked!
Down the street I heard someone
screaming bloody murder-
that's when I called 9-11-
But just then 3 police cars come
screaming into the scene
guns out and pointied at me.
I had to get outta my car and on the ground and they
chased down the guy screaming and yelling.
The police let me get up a minute later after seeing i was in my shorts and barefoot.
I told 'em i was looking for my lost dog.
Thank god I had already called 9-11 since they
I.D-ed me as the first caller very soon afterward!
They told me someone called in a carjacking RIGHT before I called in.
They told me only a few facts..
but hinted that the guy running down the street was some crackhead who had tried to
carjack that BMW.
Only minutes before,
I asked the SAME GUY
if he had seen my dog!!
THANK GOD I was driving my HOOPTIE!
I drive a wreck of a car since my
Olds was stolen months ago.
Oh the Fates like to fuck with me in a most crazy way!
ha ha
Needless to say,
I split the scene and went home to wait it out.
Things were still a bit stressful
since that menacing feeling was to
haunt me for hours and for good reason.
Gauguin came limping home later..
his neck caked in blood...
another dogfight,
more anxiety for me.
I love him but I feel helpless since
there's nothing keeping him from straying.
I'm taking him in for shots right after this.
I actually am gonna be late if I don't wrap this up.
So I'll write more later.
Thanks for the love and support and such.
Wish me luck with my silly wanderer
of a dog!
who hasn't slept yet tonight/today!
I'll sleep on Sunday!
oh and to you know who:
edited to add-
Gauguin's healing up nicely!
Everyone got their
updated shots at the shelter-
No sign of rabies!
The other pups are all
doing kool as well!
I'm gonna be at this major
dance floor shindig:
It's sorta my lil' baby since
I've been making the scene
LONG before there was even any
of this damn buzz & coverage!
Denny's a good friend of mine and I'm
so happy he's a bigshot now.
Oh boy, is there gonna be a big line!
almost being carjacked last night,
missing my Hero who's in Heaven,
dogfights & sitting on my porch
holding my poor pooch
while my hands cake with blood.
Oh boy! sorry that
last lusty
post stayed up so long!
I've been on one insane bender
for I figure 40+ straight days now!
This past week I'm trying to catch up
on much needed sleep.
I've also too many
Lovers lately
for my own good!
(Like I should ever complain about that!)
I feel drained but I can't seem to slow down.
I also seem to have an inexhaustible
energy and virile resilience!
(No I'm not using any "helpers" either!)
I think it's a mania of escape
from mourning for my dear Dad and for my
future fiancee who passed on the same month.
My weeks have been one blessed blur of
fun, frolic, flesh, & trippin' the light fantastic.
Mind you, tho..
it's also been a profound mix of epiphany &
reflection for me.
I miss my dearly departed Pops oh so much.
I mean, I'm obviously trying a touch to lose
my mournful demeanor in a mad, mad mix
of sex, smiles, sleepless sunrises,
& living on the edge-all decadent like.
But know that I also take some time to heal and help myself
thru this insane epoch of my Life.
I'm still standing and ready to go again for this very busy weekend.
I also have my hands full with 4 frenetic dogs who
make my free time fun but a muddy mess!
Gauguin, my rescued mutt has
a knack for getting loose and jumping my 6 ft. fences and stroilling
'round my dangerous hoodie.
[bSpeaking of my razor dangerous area-
I think i was moments ahead of getting car jacked last night!
Truly nutso, i know
I was driving around about 3ish this morn-
looking for Gauguin.
I drove past some sorta commotion
going on down this certain alley a block from my house.
Next time I turned past that spot-
there was this nice BMW just sitting there,
It's lights were on and
it's windsheild wipers switching and such.
I drove as close as I could
and saw the door open.
the window busted,
crapola all over the road.
A bad feelin' came over me
and I backed down the way.
I was a bit freaked!
Down the street I heard someone
screaming bloody murder-
that's when I called 9-11-
But just then 3 police cars come
screaming into the scene
guns out and pointied at me.
I had to get outta my car and on the ground and they
chased down the guy screaming and yelling.
The police let me get up a minute later after seeing i was in my shorts and barefoot.
I told 'em i was looking for my lost dog.
Thank god I had already called 9-11 since they
I.D-ed me as the first caller very soon afterward!
They told me someone called in a carjacking RIGHT before I called in.
They told me only a few facts..
but hinted that the guy running down the street was some crackhead who had tried to
carjack that BMW.
Only minutes before,
I asked the SAME GUY
if he had seen my dog!!
THANK GOD I was driving my HOOPTIE!
I drive a wreck of a car since my
Olds was stolen months ago.
Oh the Fates like to fuck with me in a most crazy way!
ha ha
Needless to say,
I split the scene and went home to wait it out.
Things were still a bit stressful
since that menacing feeling was to
haunt me for hours and for good reason.
Gauguin came limping home later..
his neck caked in blood...
another dogfight,
more anxiety for me.
I love him but I feel helpless since
there's nothing keeping him from straying.
I'm taking him in for shots right after this.
I actually am gonna be late if I don't wrap this up.
So I'll write more later.
Thanks for the love and support and such.
Wish me luck with my silly wanderer
of a dog!
who hasn't slept yet tonight/today!
I'll sleep on Sunday!

oh and to you know who:

edited to add-
Gauguin's healing up nicely!
Everyone got their
updated shots at the shelter-
No sign of rabies!
The other pups are all
doing kool as well!
I'm gonna be at this major
dance floor shindig:

It's sorta my lil' baby since
I've been making the scene
LONG before there was even any
of this damn buzz & coverage!
Denny's a good friend of mine and I'm
so happy he's a bigshot now.
Oh boy, is there gonna be a big line!
I would definately get your new pup up to date on shots. I wouldn't be too worried about rabies because there hasn't been a case of rabies in years, but there are many other dangers lurking out there. If you want to call the shelter where I work, they have a behavior help line that might be able to give you some tips for fence jumping doggies. Lemme know if you'd like the number, otherwise just check out their website (
I feel a Hot Pink night coming on soon... you'll have to let me know when you might be out that way next cause I'd love to meet you sometime!