This here is a rather rushed bulletin I just posted on that daft but addictive other site I'm part of, M*space.
Yep I've got a very dear family of friends on there as well.
(In fact, I think most of you are there with me!)
I meant to update this with more news about Gauguin's health-
(He's a happy puppy, that's for sure!)
I had a very unexpected drunk, carnal, & CRAZY weekend-
Oh just wait for that entry!
Since I went on here a bit about cuddlin', canoodlin' & current craziness...
I'm a bit late to get goin' so i'm gonna
cross post this on here Enjoy my worn out and seduction-drained ramble!
After a rather raucous morning of randy dandy
lovin and lil' sleep...
(I had an unexpected,
but very welcome "come cuddle/booty call"
about sunrise this morn!)
Well, I'm ready for the nifty night of
painting the town red again-
like Saturday's coat hasn't even dried yet!
So I'm over booked AGAIN in social commitments
and find myself having to attend several rounds of whiskey & winks at various establishments
(SIX at last count!)
ALL OVER this mad monsoon mega-polis!!!
A few of you have already emailedas to where & when
the hey heys shall be this eve...
So to answer all inquires in one fell swoop-
(here and on my beloved Suicide Girl site)
I shall post in all humility, my plans & route for the night.
1-The first one is actually sorta top secret since it's a lil' illegal-
but that's where we'll be in about an hour-
(opium dens don't like to advertise! -just kidding -sorta!)
2- Amsterdam's on Central to attend Miss Esther's Suicide Girl cocktail collaboration about 10-ish
(There better be some of the newbies showin'- don't be shy-
SGs don't bite....unless you treat 'em sweet, that is!)
3- Hi-Liter to pick up my scantily clad co-pilot for the night.
(and down a few of those FANTASTIC <I>Maker's and a splash o' coke's<i> that Heather absolutely KILLED me with on Saturday's unbeliveable bender!)
4-Shady's for a few much anticipated Irish Car bombs made by our the very dapper & dreadlocked Sir James!
(oh yeah, and a VERY sweet long lost friend
-Mistress Becki B.-
and I, had promised each other we'd show there no matter WHAT!)
5-KY's on 32nd and Indian School to see what's what at that swanky dive.
(Don't think we'll be there very long since I bet Mistress Becki B.
& co. shall prolly have some very ....influential arguments to keep us @ Shady's)
Okay then the real fun & fierce frolics begin...
6-My E.T.A. @ Blue Monday's at the Rogue East
is prolly about 1-ish.
That's when I figure things should be hoppin' rather tipsy-like.
Oh I CANNOT freakin' wait to watch our dear Devan
pour drinks for his rabid fans while 80's tunes get the kiddies dancin'
YET ONE MORE night in a row!!
ha ha
Oh let the games begin!

Do forgive the rather randy and blatant bragadaccio of this post.
I'm a bit filled with the Spirit as they say!
Lord do i love the lovin' late, late into the afternoon!
and then some
Oh and you KNOW I'm thinking of you my sweet Swan!
I hope the smiles return soon!
and STOP re-arranging the furniyure my
perplexed Pink Princess!!!
Yep I've got a very dear family of friends on there as well.
(In fact, I think most of you are there with me!)
I meant to update this with more news about Gauguin's health-
(He's a happy puppy, that's for sure!)

I had a very unexpected drunk, carnal, & CRAZY weekend-
Oh just wait for that entry!
Since I went on here a bit about cuddlin', canoodlin' & current craziness...
I'm a bit late to get goin' so i'm gonna
cross post this on here Enjoy my worn out and seduction-drained ramble!
After a rather raucous morning of randy dandy
lovin and lil' sleep...
(I had an unexpected,
but very welcome "come cuddle/booty call"
about sunrise this morn!)
Well, I'm ready for the nifty night of
painting the town red again-
like Saturday's coat hasn't even dried yet!
So I'm over booked AGAIN in social commitments
and find myself having to attend several rounds of whiskey & winks at various establishments
(SIX at last count!)
ALL OVER this mad monsoon mega-polis!!!

A few of you have already emailedas to where & when
the hey heys shall be this eve...
So to answer all inquires in one fell swoop-
(here and on my beloved Suicide Girl site)
I shall post in all humility, my plans & route for the night.

1-The first one is actually sorta top secret since it's a lil' illegal-
but that's where we'll be in about an hour-
(opium dens don't like to advertise! -just kidding -sorta!)

2- Amsterdam's on Central to attend Miss Esther's Suicide Girl cocktail collaboration about 10-ish
(There better be some of the newbies showin'- don't be shy-
SGs don't bite....unless you treat 'em sweet, that is!)

3- Hi-Liter to pick up my scantily clad co-pilot for the night.
(and down a few of those FANTASTIC <I>Maker's and a splash o' coke's<i> that Heather absolutely KILLED me with on Saturday's unbeliveable bender!)

4-Shady's for a few much anticipated Irish Car bombs made by our the very dapper & dreadlocked Sir James!
(oh yeah, and a VERY sweet long lost friend
-Mistress Becki B.-
and I, had promised each other we'd show there no matter WHAT!)

5-KY's on 32nd and Indian School to see what's what at that swanky dive.
(Don't think we'll be there very long since I bet Mistress Becki B.
& co. shall prolly have some very ....influential arguments to keep us @ Shady's)

Okay then the real fun & fierce frolics begin...
6-My E.T.A. @ Blue Monday's at the Rogue East
is prolly about 1-ish.
That's when I figure things should be hoppin' rather tipsy-like.
Oh I CANNOT freakin' wait to watch our dear Devan

pour drinks for his rabid fans while 80's tunes get the kiddies dancin'
YET ONE MORE night in a row!!
ha ha
Oh let the games begin!

Do forgive the rather randy and blatant bragadaccio of this post.
I'm a bit filled with the Spirit as they say!

Lord do i love the lovin' late, late into the afternoon!

and then some
Oh and you KNOW I'm thinking of you my sweet Swan!
I hope the smiles return soon!
and STOP re-arranging the furniyure my
perplexed Pink Princess!!!

hope ya doin' good!? Your recent post baffled me a bit!! I'm too sleepy to read!!zzzz