Pics of them are below-
The storm knocked out my power 14 hrs yesterday,
so I REALLY need help soon on identifying what sort of breeds these injured, rescued dog are-
scroll down to where the spoilers are for info-
I'll be repairing roofs & skylights today but shall check in every so often.
Well whaddya know dear SG...
I have had one helluva a crazy time this past 6 daffy days!
It's been a nonstop cabaret of corruption & canoodling that shall likely and hopefully end with the debut of my friends new dance night tonight.
I need down time tomorrow since on the 7th day even the Gods get a rest!
And do I have a massive amount of pics and stories to tell all y'all...
In fact I need to talk about what went down at Shake on Sat.-
since the local weekly- The New Times is running a story on it that goes to press later 2nite!!!
Oh there may be a lil scandal ahead-
More on that later...
The power's back on FINALLY!
That monsoon storm last night makes it FOUR
violent storms to wreack havoc on my houses in the last 3 weeks.
The water damage is extensive since the winds blew 2 skylights off my A frame house/office in the back.
My best estimate was that the skies dumped about 3 1/2 inches of rain in two hours & my world is soaked and sludged to a tragic degree.
I'll have pics to post later since the insurance companies need proof.
I about to hit Home Depot & spend the afternoon on the roof fixing that but I REALLY need some help with my most pressing concern;
Help me help this injured stray dog I've rescued!!!
O.K. here goes...
Last Saturday/Sunday morn.,
I was enjoying a very nice & naughty after-after party in downtown Phx.
(I'll detail the decadence in a later post)
There was an obviously injured dog who wandered around among the drugged & drunk partygoers outside enjoying the Sunday sunrise.
The parking lot was covered with glitter & broken glass.
This poor pup was hobbling among the kiddies and IU guess getting cut up by the glass.
A few lovelies & I tried to find out if anyone owned the dog.
No one would claim him so I ended up taking him home.
Yep my THIRD rescued dog this year!
He had bloody feet & three gashes from a bad dogfight he must have been in recently.
He was emaciated and had an immediate look of:
"don't abandon me" in his eyes.
Now my house is quickly becoming a pooch safe house it seems already...
What was I to do?
I took him home...
treated his wounds, got the swelling down in his face, and I have started to see if he's an owner interested in taking him back.
There are some pressing questions I have and I hope some can help.
1-I need to definately identify his breeding, and age.
From the first day of his recuperation..
Under the spoiler tags are more pics-

I call him Gauguin
(I'll tell you about the Ladies who named him from their
"bubble bath" orgy over the phone later!

Here's happy and healing "Gauguin" today
after the swelling's gone down:

BE WARNED there's also a few pics of his injuries;
they aren't too graphic but still not a happy sight:
I think he's more lab than anything.
A visiting lovely who helped nurse him back to life think he has Chow in him.
The jaw is stroing and square like a pit tho.
His temperment is sweet, but he's VERY protective of me already.
I need to see if I can socialize him safely with my own ragtag pack of rescued dogs.
He's not food protective and hasn't shown any real aggressiveness yet.
This is imperative to correct with breed type;
for if he has any pit bull blood in him...
his options in adoption, care and such is then greatly limited.
I really can't take a 4th rescued dog into my home since I already am in the process of socializing a shepard/rottweiller that was raised as a killer guard dog,
I have a male black lab that is VERY protective of my other
dear dog,
a elderly shepard/coyote blend who's nearing the end of her time here since the passing of her Master, my dad.
My ragged pack of beloved rescued dogs:
I need to I.D. his breed before I can make further decisions
or even post on pets911 that I found him.
Many vets will not even allow stray Pits in their place...
and the no-kill centers cannot handle a fence jumping pit.
He's still not well enough to be driven around town yet,
I have him comfortable in my front yard doggie paradise
and he is happier than I bet he's ever been!
which brings me to my next question...
2-Any suggestions of products for keeping dogs tied up in the most humane way possible???
The unfortunate fact is, this shall be my 1st dog that I need to keep on a tie out outside since he's an amzing climber!
He has easily scaled my 6 ft. fences when I first let him roam around freely in my back yard.
He opened up some of the wounds climbing the fence to go meet my other dogs.
He also seems to LOVE me so much, he can't handle me not being by my side and sqeezes out of his comfy collar I have for him so he can try and get thru the doggie doors and once again be by my side!!!
I've tried 3 different colars and cords and I guess I'll next need to find a harness that can hgold him..
I've never had to suse one and I don't want to hurt him.
He's a great dog!
He just can't get enough love and affection from me and he seems to be socializing well with the others when I introduce them a few minutes at a time.
He's still pretty well injured and sleeps several hours at a time.
I think his wounds are healing nicely and his
nightmares have decreased greatly.
I am in LOVE with him already of course but prolly CANNOT keep another dog.
I need to get him a good home wher he cannot climb fences and get injured again.
I shall be putting up found dog flyers tonite.
I better go since I hear him whimpering for affection as I type this and there's a nasty looking storm a brewing anyways!
edited to add FIFTH RESCUED DOG that I'm sheltering now!
Pics from today after the storm cleared:
I know he's a pup but I NEED to find him a home.
Notoice the tie-down that lets him run freely around trees and such.
I'll share what I can about all the delish times I've had in another post soon.
The pup's most important now!!!
the dog whisperer
A Strange but true fact brought to you by the Non Fiction group.
be there, or be square!