I guess the upload was acting nutty
so here 'tis, by request
a 2nd attempt at posting such an epic update.
This details my defiance of Death once again-
Those interested in Sadisco decadence.
I've posted pics I'm able to share in my latest album!
Natural Disasters & Sadisco Seductions!
Hello all!
I figure I better get 'round to updating
'fore another insane week passes by
I find myself even deeper
in an update muddle.
It's lately been an amazing Dynamic
fantastic & frenzied
in one way-
& more mayhem & then
profound contemplation upon such peril
in another.
I promise to finally explain why
I was on T.V.-
yet again.
So, if the pattern persists;
then I'm at the dawn of another weekly
dance of decadence &
canoodlin' craze
that'll last well thru to
I am then crushed
(almost literally!)
by a an unexpected brush with
mortality & mayhem!
There's a certain Lovely Lover of mine
(the one I write about returning for the weekend
and revved up for overdue Lovin')
and she's NOT in any pictures posted!
Sorry to certain SG site snoops!
(You're generous with all the focus lately)
So on to my true tale of terrific times &
then terrifying defying of Death's calling!
The damage done & delight before-hand:
a preview in pics:
Oh it's gonna take a few
updates just to list the
nutty spectrum of experience I've
had these last 2 weeks/months-
Hell! last 2 YEARS!
I better give ya somethin' to
chew on since Lordy
knows what lies ahead!
I'll write about the beginning of my
10 day bender and we'll see how far I get to today.
Thanks again all for your kind concern.
Lemme 'splain~
You see just 10 days ago I dodged another
violent version of certain Death.
Really tho!
If you've strolled by my page lately
you may have noticed my
user pic
and a series
with a lotta shots
of a most crazy site.
I'll move 'em up here at the bottom of this
post .
But 1st-
my two week spree commenced with the return
for the weekend
a former lover of voracious...
and a WILD string of shindigs & skin.
Now I'll leave stories from
my carnal carnival
for another day.
(I promise that I perceive it worth your read!)
For narrative sake I'll
hum thru a Cliff Notes version of what led
up to my being on T.V.
Chapter Titles include:
Screw Fri. night dancin', I'm here for romancing
(wherein I "no show" at several dance floors and
"stay in" for the night
-SORRY- no pics at all from Friday!)
Saturday's all right for benders
(a fun stroll thru every known vice in just under 12 hours)
Sadisco pt.I ~ Flesh Hook fantasia
(the big shindig-
go go dancers, suspensions, dark wave warriors)
ssssShake Appeal, SGs & me
( a whole lotta pin ups, pints & glammed out sass-meisters)
Sadisco pt. II after hours
(the mob returns for nekkidness, swings & sweat)-
all pic HVE BEEN APPROVED for posting)
the after-party
(a hey hey at the best hip hop scene in town)
the contact high after-party shimmy
( I luv it when my friends meet my other sets of friends)
the after-party after-party
(how the hell have the police NOT busted this one yet?!?!)
after-party after-party swimming pool back at their apt.-party
(a kinky, kooky cocaine cha-cha chill down at dawn for 4)
Breakfast of champions- super seduction sized edition
(my visiting vixen offers me some "home cooking"-
well into the steamy, sex kitten afternoon!)
etc. etc. yadda yadda
till Sunday afternoon comes
all with nary a drop of sleep!
Which bring me to the real nail biter of my Life.
Okay here's the meat of the matter...
and why I thought I'd die that day.
You see,
when I finally did get home from
HELLUVA good time
all weekend...
as soon as I settled in for
much needed slumber....
Don't tell me-
it couldn't happen NOW?!?!
my power goes out!
Phoenix was ONLY
about 114 degrees
just about then and
when the A/C
kicks out,
it quickly heats up inside.
I sat in exhausted frustration,
not knowing that
the most violent monsoon
my neigborhood has ever been blown away with
in it'slong tumultuous history;
was hittin' just minutes
Now I live in a true to life
"hood" but my side of the block is
well established and realtively settled.
I am now the landlord of 4 houses in that
I try to help when these things happen so
I went into my "get flashlights & candles mode".
But first I needed to know what storm was a brewin'...
so I went out to my car
(not the Olds that was stolen, my trusty hooptie named Sloopy
(Hang on Sloopy, hang on!)
It was parked out in front of my house....
on the curb.
Okay, dig this...
I was sitting in my car trying to get the
emergency weather station in while a
terrific torrent seemed to swell before my
wide and worried eyes.
Something else kicked in...
something wonderful and bleesed as if
I had guardian angels prodding me on!
(my papa & Charlie Parker I swear watch over me!)
what I have over the years referred to my "spidey sense"
got me all in a fuzzy tingle.
I, all of a sudden
(and prolly logically so)
felt an innate fear that something bad
was about to happen.
I revved up the car & jammed it into my driveway.
Don't ask my logic at that point.
I guess it was my way of trying to protect
my house from the now howling & debris heavy wind
but MOST important...
my beloved 3 dogs
I felt urgency to cover and protect!
Now their meaning for me transcends
mere love of animal and pet.
They are my last living link to my dearly departed Papa.
I inherited them when my Pops passed on.
They were his shining joy besides me.
My reason for not tearing off and travelling
the World one more time
is to keep them safe and together.
I'll let loose my Love for them later.
For now, know they're my priority.
Okay, so this sense & utter fear I felt
propelled me thru the house,
past all my earthly possesions
whilst I dashed to their side area where they have a
doggie paradise of shelter, fountains of water and
gourmet meat bones.
I gathered them all around me..
I freakin' crouched down and held
them to my breast as if we were in some movie
where a tornado was about to hit.
Welcome to my crazy movie of a Life!
It got strangely still all of a sudden.
The fading sun's rays went into an instant yellow haze.
I've never felt air so heavy.
I then realized something very, very bad was about to happen.
I know this is hindsight dear readers...
but I felt doom in my blood.
I'm still not sure if the dogs flipped out first
or my screaming harkened our
descent into a harrowing Hell;
but what the police and electrical crews called
one bad ass Micro burst ripped up our world
in twenty terrifying heartbeats of a storm.
And then the sky came crashing down.
I thought the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse were shooting off rounds for there came this searing scream of creaking and popping.
And then the ground pounded from below and dogs jumped and whimpered and I screamed out I guess at the Horseman and
cried something like "you son of a bitch motherfuckers keep away from my dogs!"
and then a HUGE billow of chaos blinded me
and then gate we were hiding behind sounded as if it had stretched too much against the winds
and I stood up an yelled at whatever was attacking my world and took a mouthful of crap and a slap
from one deadly
needle sharp palm frond to the face!
Yep, that's where the eye injury came from folks!
I'm all better now, eyes are our most resilient tissues for the
healing process.
Oh thank Allah!
Oh so what was the thud all about?
Take a gander at the pics below and you'll see how
my dear Chess mate Death dealt me another close call
at "shufflin' off this Mortal Coil",
by trying to topple me with a 55 foot
palm tree at least three decades old.
In other words that sucker was one massive motherf**cker!
And of course the path it took was from across the street...
straight over where my car and I were just many seconds before stationed.
I was prolly a minute and a half late for a date with Death!
I swear it!
**takes breath**
That realization alone knocked me into some profound contemplation and thankfulness.
It's as if my Dad,
(my Hero) instilled in me from above,
a new found
parental alarm system of sorts.
I ran to those pure hearted pups
of mine
and it saved my own skin!
Oh I could rattle on about the such and such
damage to my front yard and my eye.
I think the pics explain the crazy way the toppled tree became an event for the neighbor hood to gather round.
I mean it took sevearl hours before they could extract it from the road, not to mention my yard.
In the meantime, the news crews caught "wind"(I luv puns!)
of my peril and sent down camera crews.
It was a perfect subject for their "storm damage coverage".
I just can't seem to shake the local news looneys these past couple of years.
(Some of you may recall me not explaining why I had reporters trying to scoop my story back in January right?)
(I promise to finally explain that one as well soon!-
pinky swear!)
Anyways...I don't recall exactly what I told the mikes thrust into my tree torn up world.
You see, from my anti-war activism experience
with the media and their interviews live & canned,
I understood the value of the 5 second soundbite
and blurted out something to the effect of:
and as I understand it from a few friends.
I made the 10 oclock highlight reel!
C'est la vie!
Death of a proud Palm tree:
That poor nest wrested from it's
place made me saddest of all!
The tree certainly inspired the
neighborhood kiddies to crawl all about!
That was fun, actually.
I'll miss that tree..
all 55 feet tall and 4 feet across of it's behemoth of a presence.
I'm just thankful it fell for me in my direction and not
in other directions for that would have been devestating for my renters across the street!
The tree was so heavy, when it was buzzed sawed into bits
by the Parks dept. sent to unblock the road.
It up-eneded their small
bulldozer so many times,
they had to cut it into mini sections of tree!
I'm just a lucky so and so that I didn't die under it.
The blue recycle bin you see flattened out had moments before
been righted by me right before I got in my car
I was standing right there withstanding the wind
only minutes before!
so now you know the saga of the tree and me on T.V.
I know this has been one helluva a read so I'll just skip thru the fact that
I suffered thru the hottest day in what four years that following Monday
STILL without electricity...
No A/C, no fans, no fridge, no SG!- nada!!!
The death toll in this damnable desert was at
least 20 people the papers said later.
Then there was the tragedy of those 30+ pets who perished at that animal kennel when their A/C also went out.
Oh it was certainly a Hell we endured 10 days ago.
Recall, of course I went thru all of this without sleep.
I kindly declined a few offers of A/C shelter for me from
certain "Lady friends" since I had to keep my dogs cool.
Luckily, Monday afternoon the other side of our block had power restored...
and just in time!
The block already had one heat casualty when an elder woman
fell to heat exhaustion.
I then hurriedly went out and bought about 8oo feet
of heavy duty extension cords and we wired up the other elderly Ladies with fans and swamp cooler rescues.
God what a worn out fellow I was when power came back for me late into monday's record hot night.
My house at one point reached about 105..
I bet you're worn out just reading all this.
Thanks to those who stuck out my story.
I didn't even get to the delih blondes perspective later that week..
oh and the Rat Poison peril just happened this past Sunday
(a shorter situation that I'll save for another day eh?!)
Suffice it to say,
I certainly thank the stars that I'm still alive and kickin'!
I guess I'm good at enjoying the moment for then I had
one helluva weekend this past Thursday-Sunday!
I better end this since I've a double shift to dig in,
what 5 hours and then an allnighter of
Brit pop prancin', dancin' & romancin'!
I truly shall try and catch up so these don't keep
becoming epic entries!
oh and
`and well behaved smooches:
from your loyal and looney--
and of course for a certain "Pink Lady"sweatin'
it out in her own sultry town...
I hope more "care packages" make your down days
a bit better!
"Hi, I'm Fred,
and I like tacos and '71 Cabernet,
and my favorite color is Magenta"
Moving forward using all my breath
Making love to you was never second best
I saw the world thrashing all around your face
Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
Ill stop the world and melt with you
Youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time
Theres nothing you and I wont do
Ill stop the world and melt with you
(you should know better)
Dream of better lives the kind which never hate
(you should see why)
Dropped in the state of imaginary grace
(you should know better)
I made a pilgrimage to save this humans race
(you should see why)
What Im comprehending a race that long gone bye
(Ill stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
(Ill stop the world) youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time
(lets stop the world) theres nothing you and I wont do
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
The futures open wide
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
(lets stop the world) Ive seen some changes but its getting better all the time
(lets stop the world) theres nothing you and I wont do
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
The futures open wide
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time (lets stop the world)
Theres nothing you and I wont do (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
so here 'tis, by request
a 2nd attempt at posting such an epic update.
This details my defiance of Death once again-
Those interested in Sadisco decadence.
I've posted pics I'm able to share in my latest album!
Natural Disasters & Sadisco Seductions!
Hello all!
I figure I better get 'round to updating
'fore another insane week passes by
I find myself even deeper
in an update muddle.
It's lately been an amazing Dynamic
fantastic & frenzied
in one way-
& more mayhem & then
profound contemplation upon such peril
in another.
I promise to finally explain why
I was on T.V.-
yet again.
So, if the pattern persists;
then I'm at the dawn of another weekly
dance of decadence &
canoodlin' craze
that'll last well thru to
I am then crushed
(almost literally!)
by a an unexpected brush with
mortality & mayhem!
There's a certain Lovely Lover of mine
(the one I write about returning for the weekend
and revved up for overdue Lovin')
and she's NOT in any pictures posted!
Sorry to certain SG site snoops!
(You're generous with all the focus lately)
So on to my true tale of terrific times &
then terrifying defying of Death's calling!
The damage done & delight before-hand:
a preview in pics:

Oh it's gonna take a few
updates just to list the
nutty spectrum of experience I've
had these last 2 weeks/months-
Hell! last 2 YEARS!
I better give ya somethin' to
chew on since Lordy
knows what lies ahead!
I'll write about the beginning of my
10 day bender and we'll see how far I get to today.
Thanks again all for your kind concern.
Lemme 'splain~
You see just 10 days ago I dodged another
violent version of certain Death.
Really tho!
If you've strolled by my page lately
you may have noticed my
user pic
and a series
with a lotta shots
of a most crazy site.
I'll move 'em up here at the bottom of this
post .
But 1st-
my two week spree commenced with the return
for the weekend
a former lover of voracious...
and a WILD string of shindigs & skin.
Now I'll leave stories from
my carnal carnival
for another day.
(I promise that I perceive it worth your read!)
For narrative sake I'll
hum thru a Cliff Notes version of what led
up to my being on T.V.
Chapter Titles include:

Screw Fri. night dancin', I'm here for romancing
(wherein I "no show" at several dance floors and
"stay in" for the night
-SORRY- no pics at all from Friday!)
Saturday's all right for benders
(a fun stroll thru every known vice in just under 12 hours)
Sadisco pt.I ~ Flesh Hook fantasia
(the big shindig-
go go dancers, suspensions, dark wave warriors)
ssssShake Appeal, SGs & me
( a whole lotta pin ups, pints & glammed out sass-meisters)
Sadisco pt. II after hours
(the mob returns for nekkidness, swings & sweat)-
all pic HVE BEEN APPROVED for posting)
the after-party
(a hey hey at the best hip hop scene in town)
the contact high after-party shimmy
( I luv it when my friends meet my other sets of friends)
the after-party after-party
(how the hell have the police NOT busted this one yet?!?!)
after-party after-party swimming pool back at their apt.-party
(a kinky, kooky cocaine cha-cha chill down at dawn for 4)
Breakfast of champions- super seduction sized edition
(my visiting vixen offers me some "home cooking"-
well into the steamy, sex kitten afternoon!)
etc. etc. yadda yadda
till Sunday afternoon comes
all with nary a drop of sleep!
Which bring me to the real nail biter of my Life.
Okay here's the meat of the matter...
and why I thought I'd die that day.
You see,
when I finally did get home from
HELLUVA good time
all weekend...
as soon as I settled in for
much needed slumber....
Don't tell me-
it couldn't happen NOW?!?!
my power goes out!
Phoenix was ONLY
about 114 degrees
just about then and
when the A/C
kicks out,
it quickly heats up inside.
I sat in exhausted frustration,
not knowing that
the most violent monsoon
my neigborhood has ever been blown away with
in it'slong tumultuous history;
was hittin' just minutes
Now I live in a true to life
"hood" but my side of the block is
well established and realtively settled.
I am now the landlord of 4 houses in that
I try to help when these things happen so
I went into my "get flashlights & candles mode".
But first I needed to know what storm was a brewin'...
so I went out to my car
(not the Olds that was stolen, my trusty hooptie named Sloopy
(Hang on Sloopy, hang on!)
It was parked out in front of my house....
on the curb.
Okay, dig this...
I was sitting in my car trying to get the
emergency weather station in while a
terrific torrent seemed to swell before my
wide and worried eyes.
Something else kicked in...
something wonderful and bleesed as if
I had guardian angels prodding me on!
(my papa & Charlie Parker I swear watch over me!)
what I have over the years referred to my "spidey sense"
got me all in a fuzzy tingle.
I, all of a sudden
(and prolly logically so)
felt an innate fear that something bad
was about to happen.
I revved up the car & jammed it into my driveway.
Don't ask my logic at that point.
I guess it was my way of trying to protect
my house from the now howling & debris heavy wind
but MOST important...
my beloved 3 dogs
I felt urgency to cover and protect!
Now their meaning for me transcends
mere love of animal and pet.
They are my last living link to my dearly departed Papa.
I inherited them when my Pops passed on.
They were his shining joy besides me.
My reason for not tearing off and travelling
the World one more time
is to keep them safe and together.
I'll let loose my Love for them later.
For now, know they're my priority.
Okay, so this sense & utter fear I felt
propelled me thru the house,
past all my earthly possesions
whilst I dashed to their side area where they have a
doggie paradise of shelter, fountains of water and
gourmet meat bones.
I gathered them all around me..
I freakin' crouched down and held
them to my breast as if we were in some movie
where a tornado was about to hit.
Welcome to my crazy movie of a Life!
It got strangely still all of a sudden.
The fading sun's rays went into an instant yellow haze.
I've never felt air so heavy.
I then realized something very, very bad was about to happen.
I know this is hindsight dear readers...
but I felt doom in my blood.
I'm still not sure if the dogs flipped out first
or my screaming harkened our
descent into a harrowing Hell;
but what the police and electrical crews called
one bad ass Micro burst ripped up our world
in twenty terrifying heartbeats of a storm.
And then the sky came crashing down.
I thought the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse were shooting off rounds for there came this searing scream of creaking and popping.
And then the ground pounded from below and dogs jumped and whimpered and I screamed out I guess at the Horseman and
cried something like "you son of a bitch motherfuckers keep away from my dogs!"
and then a HUGE billow of chaos blinded me
and then gate we were hiding behind sounded as if it had stretched too much against the winds
and I stood up an yelled at whatever was attacking my world and took a mouthful of crap and a slap
from one deadly
needle sharp palm frond to the face!
Yep, that's where the eye injury came from folks!
I'm all better now, eyes are our most resilient tissues for the
healing process.
Oh thank Allah!
Oh so what was the thud all about?
Take a gander at the pics below and you'll see how
my dear Chess mate Death dealt me another close call
at "shufflin' off this Mortal Coil",
by trying to topple me with a 55 foot
palm tree at least three decades old.
In other words that sucker was one massive motherf**cker!
And of course the path it took was from across the street...
straight over where my car and I were just many seconds before stationed.
I was prolly a minute and a half late for a date with Death!
I swear it!
**takes breath**
That realization alone knocked me into some profound contemplation and thankfulness.
It's as if my Dad,
(my Hero) instilled in me from above,
a new found
parental alarm system of sorts.
I ran to those pure hearted pups
of mine
and it saved my own skin!
Oh I could rattle on about the such and such
damage to my front yard and my eye.
I think the pics explain the crazy way the toppled tree became an event for the neighbor hood to gather round.
I mean it took sevearl hours before they could extract it from the road, not to mention my yard.
In the meantime, the news crews caught "wind"(I luv puns!)
of my peril and sent down camera crews.
It was a perfect subject for their "storm damage coverage".
I just can't seem to shake the local news looneys these past couple of years.
(Some of you may recall me not explaining why I had reporters trying to scoop my story back in January right?)
(I promise to finally explain that one as well soon!-
pinky swear!)
Anyways...I don't recall exactly what I told the mikes thrust into my tree torn up world.
You see, from my anti-war activism experience
with the media and their interviews live & canned,
I understood the value of the 5 second soundbite
and blurted out something to the effect of:
and as I understand it from a few friends.
I made the 10 oclock highlight reel!
C'est la vie!
Death of a proud Palm tree:

That poor nest wrested from it's
place made me saddest of all!
The tree certainly inspired the
neighborhood kiddies to crawl all about!
That was fun, actually.
I'll miss that tree..
all 55 feet tall and 4 feet across of it's behemoth of a presence.
I'm just thankful it fell for me in my direction and not
in other directions for that would have been devestating for my renters across the street!
The tree was so heavy, when it was buzzed sawed into bits
by the Parks dept. sent to unblock the road.
It up-eneded their small
bulldozer so many times,
they had to cut it into mini sections of tree!
I'm just a lucky so and so that I didn't die under it.
The blue recycle bin you see flattened out had moments before
been righted by me right before I got in my car
I was standing right there withstanding the wind
only minutes before!
so now you know the saga of the tree and me on T.V.
I know this has been one helluva a read so I'll just skip thru the fact that
I suffered thru the hottest day in what four years that following Monday
STILL without electricity...
No A/C, no fans, no fridge, no SG!- nada!!!
The death toll in this damnable desert was at
least 20 people the papers said later.
Then there was the tragedy of those 30+ pets who perished at that animal kennel when their A/C also went out.
Oh it was certainly a Hell we endured 10 days ago.
Recall, of course I went thru all of this without sleep.
I kindly declined a few offers of A/C shelter for me from
certain "Lady friends" since I had to keep my dogs cool.
Luckily, Monday afternoon the other side of our block had power restored...
and just in time!
The block already had one heat casualty when an elder woman
fell to heat exhaustion.
I then hurriedly went out and bought about 8oo feet
of heavy duty extension cords and we wired up the other elderly Ladies with fans and swamp cooler rescues.
God what a worn out fellow I was when power came back for me late into monday's record hot night.
My house at one point reached about 105..
I bet you're worn out just reading all this.
Thanks to those who stuck out my story.
I didn't even get to the delih blondes perspective later that week..
oh and the Rat Poison peril just happened this past Sunday
(a shorter situation that I'll save for another day eh?!)
Suffice it to say,
I certainly thank the stars that I'm still alive and kickin'!
I guess I'm good at enjoying the moment for then I had
one helluva weekend this past Thursday-Sunday!
I better end this since I've a double shift to dig in,
what 5 hours and then an allnighter of
Brit pop prancin', dancin' & romancin'!
I truly shall try and catch up so these don't keep
becoming epic entries!
oh and


`and well behaved smooches:

from your loyal and looney--

and of course for a certain "Pink Lady"sweatin'
it out in her own sultry town...

I hope more "care packages" make your down days
a bit better!
"Hi, I'm Fred,
and I like tacos and '71 Cabernet,
and my favorite color is Magenta"

Moving forward using all my breath
Making love to you was never second best
I saw the world thrashing all around your face
Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
Ill stop the world and melt with you
Youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time
Theres nothing you and I wont do
Ill stop the world and melt with you
(you should know better)
Dream of better lives the kind which never hate
(you should see why)
Dropped in the state of imaginary grace
(you should know better)
I made a pilgrimage to save this humans race
(you should see why)
What Im comprehending a race that long gone bye
(Ill stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
(Ill stop the world) youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time
(lets stop the world) theres nothing you and I wont do
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
The futures open wide
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
(lets stop the world) Ive seen some changes but its getting better all the time
(lets stop the world) theres nothing you and I wont do
(lets stop the world) Ill stop the world and melt with you
The futures open wide
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Youve seen the difference and its getting better all the time (lets stop the world)
Theres nothing you and I wont do (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)
Ill stop the world and melt with you (lets stop the world)

At first I thought your recycle bin was a kiddie pool or something, dang. I've never known a kid to resist the enchantment of a fallen tree, but dang...