Oh the decadence that was Sadisco last week!!!
My dear, dear, wonderful friend
Miss Ta Nee'
She loves me
I s'pose!!!
I've only mere moments on here 'fore my utterly insane night commences...
I've got to do my duty at my snazzy French Bistro and then catch up with any combination of crazies at the following shindigs.
(Pics of flyers I've posted below)
But first...
Yes I'm okay.
The storm that struck certainly caused my Livin' a whole heap of a headache.
Yep, that was me on the local news last weekend!
(I was without power for days & never saw the tapes.)
I shall hopefully have some time tom. to actually enjoy SG for once.
That is,
if no tornado touches down whilst I'm catching up
on all y'all's updates!
Oh and apologies to a few SGs & members for my no shows at various dance clubs
(Esther, Daje, Isadore,MS, brookeish, A_Rebel_Grrl,etc.)
I bet SG members A_Rebel_Grrl and Mohawk Mike can attest that Thursday's rockabilly/Renegade kissing marathon shindig was one for the ages...
I hung out chattin' with a most mesmerizing Renegade late into the morn & then went sleepless into my double shift on Friday!
So as soon as I finally got home
Fri. nite....
well, I simply fell asleep while relaxing before I went out dancing at Hot Stink and the Trans!!!!
Soryy I missed all the legendary decadence for once!
Oh yeah-
here's what I hope to do tonight in one flurry of a Saturday party chain:
(reposted from the SGAZ group topic)
What a crazy, busy Saturday this is proving to be!!!
Hollywood Alley
Punk Legend Jeff Dahl's 50th b-day bash:
Tuscon Rollerderby's travelling All-star team
takes on the AZRD's Tent City Terrors:
The Fluffgirl Burlesque Society presents Jungle Exotica, featuring Count Smokula, a musician, singer, songwriter and comedian dubbed "The King of Funtasy." The 21-and-older show begins at 8 p.m. Saturday at The Sets, 93 E. Southern Ave., Tempe. $10.
After playing her gig(Hell on Heels)
at the Jeff Dahl punk fest,
Katie Rose and our crazy crew
(yep, we're now officially a "crew"!)
kick it oh so feisty&fierce-like @ Shake!:
she's the sexiest, heaviest pour in town!
I loves me my Rockstar Miss Katie Rose!!!!!!
See ya somewhere my dears!
Oh the decadence that was Sadisco last week!!!

My dear, dear, wonderful friend
Miss Ta Nee'
She loves me
I s'pose!!!

I've only mere moments on here 'fore my utterly insane night commences...
I've got to do my duty at my snazzy French Bistro and then catch up with any combination of crazies at the following shindigs.
(Pics of flyers I've posted below)
But first...
Yes I'm okay.
The storm that struck certainly caused my Livin' a whole heap of a headache.
Yep, that was me on the local news last weekend!
(I was without power for days & never saw the tapes.)
I shall hopefully have some time tom. to actually enjoy SG for once.
That is,
if no tornado touches down whilst I'm catching up
on all y'all's updates!
Oh and apologies to a few SGs & members for my no shows at various dance clubs
(Esther, Daje, Isadore,MS, brookeish, A_Rebel_Grrl,etc.)
I bet SG members A_Rebel_Grrl and Mohawk Mike can attest that Thursday's rockabilly/Renegade kissing marathon shindig was one for the ages...
I hung out chattin' with a most mesmerizing Renegade late into the morn & then went sleepless into my double shift on Friday!

So as soon as I finally got home
Fri. nite....
well, I simply fell asleep while relaxing before I went out dancing at Hot Stink and the Trans!!!!
Soryy I missed all the legendary decadence for once!
Oh yeah-
here's what I hope to do tonight in one flurry of a Saturday party chain:
(reposted from the SGAZ group topic)
What a crazy, busy Saturday this is proving to be!!!
Hollywood Alley
Punk Legend Jeff Dahl's 50th b-day bash:

Tuscon Rollerderby's travelling All-star team
takes on the AZRD's Tent City Terrors:

The Fluffgirl Burlesque Society presents Jungle Exotica, featuring Count Smokula, a musician, singer, songwriter and comedian dubbed "The King of Funtasy." The 21-and-older show begins at 8 p.m. Saturday at The Sets, 93 E. Southern Ave., Tempe. $10.

After playing her gig(Hell on Heels)
at the Jeff Dahl punk fest,
Katie Rose and our crazy crew
(yep, we're now officially a "crew"!)
kick it oh so feisty&fierce-like @ Shake!:

she's the sexiest, heaviest pour in town!
I loves me my Rockstar Miss Katie Rose!!!!!!
See ya somewhere my dears!

I also don't have any phone numbers right now. My cellphone decided to jump in the washer with my clothes. So just give me a ring and leave a message and your number. I should probably go get a new phone today. That's what I'll do. I'm on a mission for a new phone.
why do I have a sudden interest in watching valley girl? Deborah Foreman does have the best dimples ever.