** edited to add**
I've actually moved all the storm damage
pic to a newer enrty
Tree falls on Gatsby...
Lotsa damage done...
No electricity for days-
this fellow's one over-heated honey!
News at 10 pm!
Really tho!
I'll post about it on Thursday.
Yes I'm alive, Fate strikes again!!!
LATEST UPDATE-----July 14th
Happy storm the Bastille day everyone!!!
My AC is FINALLY fixed!!!
And it's only what....116 outside and all week...
C'est la vie...
Vive la revolution!
I hope to really, truly update Friday morn.
Excited eh?!?!
~A very sweaty, worn out Gatsby
updated Saturday morn late 'fore sunrise.
I can't update or comment for a bit since I'm busy trying to fix my swamp cooler AND get my air conditioner replaced
this weekend since it's ONLY gonna be
114 degrees!
updated Weds. morn after an allnighter on the SG scene saying hey
'ello 'ello!
I've been trying to catch upon everyone's world on here.
If you check my current comments sent,
you'll see that I mean what I say when I promise that I'm gonna write each and every one of you.
It just may take a few days-
since I truly try and read up as much as I can.
I'm giving it my all to be updated on just all all of you are doing these crazy heated hazy days!
I adore you Body and Soul!!!
I do.

It's what?-weds morn and I spent quite the quality time already getting hellos and smiles out to a good many of you.
I hope you are happy with me enough to keep me 'round a while;
while I catch up.
Thanks ever so my dear friends!
Well, hello sweet SG land.
I just wanted to send out my
sincere thanks for all of you who
were a bit concerned over my well being & over
what was going down last night.
(I'm quite worn down to a nub right now,
please refer to yesterday's post wherein
I was quite worked up over tracking down
my dear beloved's murderer)
I changed my name back since
I'm once again feelin' more Dapper than Vengeful!
I'm doing okay,
there wasn't any direct confrontation
'tween me & he after all.
I'm starting to think I should not
discuss this much but
I felt
I owed all y'all an update that stated
I was still alive &kickin'.
I hope I didn't worry too many of you.
Suffice it to say:
I did what I was told & stayed out of the way.
I'm sorry to a certain SG that I couldn't partake in "shenanigans" & fireworks with her....
I'm also thankful to all who sent me e-mails & comments
to the effect of:
what the hell's going on,
be brave
get 'em Tiger!!!
*P.s. Miss Lucy still has to decide whether to kiss or kick me!
I'll take the former for $500!
Oh I love my friends on here
ha ha
I need sleep now....
long hours of deep sleep.
Ciao my dears
please excuse my language, i was a little drunk

Are you ok, brutha? What happened with the fucking tree? Do I need to whoop some floras ass?