Here's a lil visual interpretation
I made for the way I'm feelin':

I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test

(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time

I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence and
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through

(Turn and face the strain)
Don't tell them to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strain)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time

Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
(Turn and face the strain)
Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time


It's just amazing how much I miss you every day!!!!
I am ever so thankful for my
Charmed Life..
but i wonder how much longer I have
'fore I "shuffle off this mortal coil"????
Stay strong Brother Malcolm Shabazz
whispers in my ear...
keep up the fight!!!
ciao for a bit~~~~~~
I'm a bit beaten up by all the windmills biting back!!!

I just need a lil .......
you know!

Viva la Revolucion!!!
Happy Mayday!=sex in the Sun and ALL night long!!!

So much to do...
so much TO DOOOOOOOO!!!!!

ha ha
I'll update with somethin' new oh prolly by Tuesday!!!
'til then..........
WATUSI TIME !!!!!!!11!!one!!!!

Happy Birfday dear Watusi Wonder!!!

history of "Perpetual Motion Machine" Candy Johnson and her Exciters
Update Sat. eve
I love my Charmed Life!!!!
See a bunch of you soon!!!
How ya feelin' my sweet Swiss_Miss???
ha ha
Too many *makeouts per inch*, I think!!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah aha aha ha aha aha aha aha!!!!
UPDATE just to wish
one of my very fave friends a very sexy 21 spankings!!!
Happy Birthday Swiss_Miss!!!!
The verdict is in!
You are mos def sweeter than mashed potatoes!!!

See ya tonight my dear...
oh boy is it gonna be a blast!

Late Weds. Nite update
Hey hey my honey childs, my hims and heels
(stilletoed, of course!)
Pay no mind to my somber meanderings 'bout fate and such right below..
I'm actually pretty happy with my Livin'
always have been, hopefully always shall.
I'll do the duty and update soon..
i've just been busy sending kind comments out to a few of
you my beloved peers.
As for the stolen car..
no go so far..
c'est la vie
I thnk you profoundly for the empathy.
Yeah. I lost my wheels..
big whoop...
Now I'm a Shaolin Tiger prowlin' about in my sweet ride of a 76' Chevy pickup!
I'm rumblin' thru the asphalt jungle
all jawed up and humming a fierce tune!
as for my dearly departed(read stolen)
Green hush puppies
So i lost my best dance shoes..
I've still some DEADLY Ferragamos..
they're my dance floor hit men for sure!
Love and all that crazy kitten sweetness you know I'm brimmin' with..
for all y'all
oh and of course smilin' monkey kissses for
you and your buggy-eyed pooch!
~a rather positive, purrin' Gatsby
Update what....oh yeah Monday night...
Yep, still no mas Cutlass para moi!!!
Well, I guess I gotta get the old 76' Chevy runnin'!
I'm just relying on that old rhyming adage my
Shaolin Sifu had me memorize:
"Thank Allah I'm a Taoist or I'd be pissed!"
damn bad days gettin in the way of my smiles!!!

Oh so that's the reason for my "Blue Moon"!!!
That or the curse of that case of Yak RABIES!!! i got as a child:


You heard me...ummm... read me!!!!
Yak rabies is why the Fates have turned on me this year!
I guess I was due a long stretch o' BAD LUCK,
since my first 33 years have been a dilly of a delight!
Really tho..
Hello Karma police!
Karma judge,jury, and executioner....
I give!!!
Beat me with your nightsticks and get it OVER with!

(from last Sunday, after my car was stolen)
**if I don't reply today,
It's due to the fact that I'm
wrestling with burgalrs ,
I'm dead asleep, or maybe at the theatre,
since I had a hankering for the stage
before all the crap went down last night!**
Oh goodness..
So many things to fill my dear friends and readers in on!!!
I'm actually posting an apology more than anything
this early sleepless long days night/morning.
You see, I was supposed to do SO many fun fiercely
things last night...
I missed out on all of 'em.
My sweet ride of a Cutlass was stolen at work last night!
It's a total loss since the Police can't
even get a hit off the Tenn. license plates.
Worst of all, I had my most fave dance shoes
(Green hush puppies), my snazzy green pinstriped suit, a snazzy calvin klein shirt...
and several rollls of undeveloped film in the front seat!
Sorry to my dear sgs..Presley, Daje, Esther, Noir, and
Our good times are gone for good pic wise!
I'm now worried they'll break in over here.
So I've been vigilant and not slept much.
To top it off, that car was my dad's.
It kills me cuz it was a connection I had to his memory.
Oh and I guess the insurance lapsed so it's a total loss!
So since I've lost my wheels and my beloved threads
I guess this will now be my new method of transpotation:

Actually, I'm rather more concerned how a certain sweet friend is feeling.

That's where my sweet thoughts are being sent.
I'm finishing off my bourbons and irish whiskies,
cursing the Fates,
and watching the walls for intruders.
what a Sunday huh?!?!
Oh and there was so much I wanted to tell all of you!
Man I'm really not digging this year of the cock!
**le sigh**
I think this deserves my very first use of that one sad fellow
who's saddled with the blue face:

c'est la vie!!!

Happy Birthday!!! 
