yeah, this be the Late, late, LATE
update....(4/21, 4:30 AM ish)
So, a certain, someone, inspired me to pull out a few tunes crooned by good ole' Blue Eyes himself....

well, he worked some sorta magic on me, I do believe!
Before tonight, the only male voice I could take was that of my Man in Black, Johnny Cash.

I only recently was able to heal my mournful heart with the sweet song of a Miss Lady Day or the supreme Diva, Maria Callas.

For I couldn't bear the pain of words spoken while my hero lay silent.
Not to mention that my possible future fiancee , my dear best friend I found out just recently,
was tragically taken off this mortal coil as well!!
Nuts I am, I know!
Now I think I'm a bit better about things...
thank you Frankie,
thank you a certain someone for inspiring my musical healing of a soundtrack for late this morn!!!
I adore my sweet Swan of a Muse!!!!

oh and yeah, boy do i know how this feels:
I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You
I need your love so badly
I love you oh so madly
But I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
I thought at last I found you
But other loves surround you
And I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
If you'd surrender
Just for a tender
Kiss or two
You might discover
That I'm the lover
Meant for you
And I'd be true
But what's the good of scheming
I'm dreaming
For I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
Cuz I don't stand
A ghost of a chance
With you
(earlier edit while i was all nutty and such!)
edited to add this blushing brides:

As to why you wonder????
Well, I bet if you scroll down the comments a bit,
you might make some assumptions!!
ha ha
Yeah I changed my name late last night as well...
You would to if you lived my delish Life!!!
~Blushboy, I
oh, and I send out to all y'all
since I'm feelin' a lil' more randy these days:

Get me?!?!
I was This Close to jumpin' on a big jet plane to go do this for the weekend:

>>link to details for the upcoming NYC SG fashion show<<
I hope Presley & Daje knock 'em dead over there!
I've need to stay and keep vigil over the Fair
windmills I've taken under my protective care!!!
One more Dragon to clash sabres with
'fore I see some hope of down time.
I could prolly consign a truce over a few whiskies and
a lil 4:20 peace pipe agreements.
I'm slowly feelin' myself again after all the crushing
despair of mourning for my pops.
Gershwin helps me regain a certain sense of elegance & aplomb.
I've had to use my "ghetto walk"
much too much lately.
That whole "valley of darkness" danger & such!
Still can't handle human voices too much...
all I listen to is strings- cello, violin, viola!!
And with the latest gansgta' hue to mi vida loca
you'd think I be listenin' only to
tough psychobilly, punk and hip hop beats!
Awww I am a complex one eh?!?!
Ha ha
Love to all, I'm sure I'll be blessed by seeing some of you soon.
~that blasted cad known as Gatsby
Thanks. I'm sure you had a good night anyhow! And Wow!!
That naked girl that Lucy posted pix of!!!

I just sent you an e-mail just now