I better update a bit, since I received a few private supportive emails wherein it was worried if I was off my rocker,if I needed legal help, hospitalization,
or if I had even made it thru the day alive!
(see my previous post, I left it in a bit of a hurry to go slay ANOTHER dragon yesterday morn.)
Man, this Spring has sprung all nutty like.
There's lotsa loved ones dying in my Life...
I'm doin' okay...really..
and as for being attacked by that crazed crackhead with a baseball bat on Sunday..
what? that never happens to you on your day off?!?!
ha ha
Man my Livin' looks nutty on screen!
It's rather still an enjoyable Life actually..
well, except I die every moment I think of my Pops being gone for good
**le sigh**
okay here's what went down with my fighting the guy who tried drugging/raping a dear Fair maiden ...
An update on this morning's "dawn raid"...
(see previous post I guess..down towards the end I get this call..)
My very lovely and fiercely independant
dear dancer friend,
yup, I have tons of those actually,
well, she found herself in a tight, tense spot..
so she called me, the handiest "white knoght" I guess at 7am...
and also since she likes to consider me her

(I've never been called someone's boo before!
It sounds sweet really!)
ha ha
it's morning and her fellow exoticas had left her at this huge party house the night before to deal with this ass of a Hell's Angel from the shindig they drug her to.
I gather, it was a sorta fun bash for her,
but more of a favor for her fellow girlies;
since she's the hottiest hottie most of all,
not a real "party girl",
rather picky about her men,
and not into the biker scene anyways.
She felt guilty from not going to these soirees as many times as she's been invited..
ah guilt, naive trust, and self esteem issues..
gotta love the combination!!!..
So she's there bored and a bit tipsy,
smilinn' she tells me later, not meaning it tho,
more just being the third wheel kinda friend than anything,
while the other girlies make their mark.

I remember she text messaged me a hello and a wink around 4ish
and a wish that we were at some diner together eating chicken carbonara instead of her having to listen
" to Slipknot blare while watching the boys do stupid tricks" for her.
ah, my sweet leggy loverly...whatever shall I do wit' ya!
She ends up hanging with the last party people still standin'
And whaddya know...
one of 'em's this infamous ass of a fellow
who thinks he owns the town just cuz his
nationally reviled biker gang runs the drug trade in certain parts of the city.
What a "maroon" as Bugs would say.
He's just another, eye-bulging from all the steroid use,
thug lite.
He's well known to bouncers, bartenders, doormen(like me)
waiters, club owners, dancers and rival drug dealers.
(I really don't run with such a crowd..
I just fluff for my fave crazy characters in 'em!)
He's a well known big shot/bull dog HA hit man steroid abusing thug obsessive type
who she hurriedly tells me at 7am in hush tones over her cell while he' looking for his keys;
that he's demanded she hang out with him for breakfast
or he'd get really annoying...
Oh and he starts to demand she drink with him. -now.
even tho the sun is rising!
Yeah , she's still not proud she let her self get in such a scene..
but I'm not one to judge..
I just come when a Lady's in a bit of a bind...
I am no sucker ...
but call me even with the craziest of stories,
and I'll still help a woman out in such a silly situation.
I'm really selective in which Fair maidens I rush to "rescue",
as you may not think that 'bout me reading this .
Oh and how did my tussel with the muscle go anywhoo?!?!
The buildup was worse than the actual confrontation....
at least this time.
This fair maiden is quite a strong, empowered woman after all...
Trusting and positive to a fault,
considering the career she chose
(she makes gawd awful amounts of money from these suckers)
I can attest and trust that she's actually a pretty smart girl...
she's just new to a really smarmy profession..
(exotic dancing)
and since she's still sweet,
a bit too naive for that biz,
and leggier than Ava Gardner...
of course she tends to attract many kinds of creeps,
big spenders,
tough talkers,
and hard ridin' big shot biker types..
And before you warn me with:
"oh so you're just another sucka on the vine for this va-va-voom vixen, sir gatsby."
I've a very advanced "filter" when it
comes to dancers and romancers and such..
you've got to develop a keen sense of bullshit,
and also remember that there still are earnest sweet souls who work the poll.
I'm very selective
like I said
with whom I
dabble and delight in...
she treats me to everything most of the time..
I'm picky about who I'm a "sugadaddy/white knight/boo" for ya know!
And you meet many sugarmamas when you're a masseur in the exotic dancer scene that's for sure...
I gotta quit the biz, man!
I mean working massage in the adult industry was all fine and fun the first couple years..
free drinks, free cover, lotsa grateful girlies...
Like I said up what 45 paragraphsa ago:
Thank god I'm selective at who I get involved with..
why so many drug dealin bikers gotta like my dear frineds tho lately..
they're not even biker chick types!
More the " trust fund/Silverlake Lit Crit/drummer " kind of boys should be all obsessed with my friends..
at least I can scare them off real easy like!
There I was, speeding against rush hour traffic..
getting ready for some sorta rumble, if need be, since the fair maiden had talked her impolite Hell's Angel chaperone into
"getting some breakfast"
then rang me up hoping I coild help her make a getaway...
(Once you hang out with the H.A.,
it's really hard not to be considered anything but their possesion!)
So off dashed I, and in the middle of my last SG update!
I revved up the Cutlass...
and tore off not knowing if I was doing the sane thing...again
What a tense drive this morning started with..
there I was..bleary-eyed and growlin'...
making peace with my maker..again.
Ready to smite the beast if he wasn't as cooperative as I needed he to be..
checklist like I think I know what I'm doing:
Snarling countenance-check
911 typed in on the cell just in case I needed EMT care-check
escape route from the meeting place
(a krispy kreme for cryin' out loud!)-check
oh and the requisite heavy drama stream of consciousness
rattle in side my brain that went sumpthin' like 'dis:
one last look up to the heavens just in case I'm killed among a buncha raindow sprinkled treats this very morn since I have some mania with rescuing those in desperate situations due to the sheer desperation in my own heart to heal my ravaged mournful Soul cuz my papa's smile I shall see no more and what the hell you only live once and papa always taught me to stand up for what's right and NEVER let any fool disrespect and/or hurt a woman without taking that cad to task and so now I am busting in and about to fight one BIG bad steroid crazed muthafucker who thinks he can just manhandle and drug my friend and try and have his way with her without me getting one desperate call at 7am since she knows I'll be ready to die for her safety so come on and meet me at this public place and you can have her since she's not putting out cuz she's a stronger , prouder Lady than you had planned for Mr. Hell's Angel drunk drink drug dosing devil dog!!!

I'm ready
"Hit it!"
well, I'm typing this update now right?
So I must not be too dead or in jail..
tho I'm still sore from the baseball bat mambo earlier this week!
As for my fightin' my dragon this morning...
nothing like busting thru the doors of a krispy kreme with fists of fury!!
only to realize my Fair Maiden had the upper hand the whole time!
My dear Lady's more of a sly cookie than I had thought!
She already had "handled her biz"...
She had slyly gotten him ass drunk hours before ...
and had even taken control of the tense situation before
me and my imaginary calvary had arrived
ha ha
She has been around the block a few times enough to know:
drunk ass Hell's Angels are pushovers if you buy 'em eclairs and coffee!!
Oh and she told him I was her "gay" friend anyways who had been working out and wanted to now take her "shopping"!!

ha ha
I love it when thugs think I'm a pretty Lady's gay friend...
I'm still alive!
and grinning with relief and rewards of kisses!!!
now, on to the weekend
Dance floors and training with mike Tyson on Sunday...
Oh yeah, I haven't told you how I'm going back for boxing training have I?!?!
And Tyson has to ruin my start by picking the same damn gym again.
love love love
your Delerious Gatsby
All right what's going on?