This is one wing-dinger of a post i s'pose...
I do read everyone's updates,
it's very important to me to see how all y'all are doing out there...
I've had quite a bit to deal with myself it seems.
This is why I've been silent tho-
I also have access for only about 1/2 an hour a day lately..
when I can get a lil' more time to talk,
I'll be commenting and cheering all of you on like a mutha!
Thanks for keeping me around 'til then my beloved friends!!!
so this is how it's been going down lately...
and I'm not going to any hospital..
screw hospitals!
I'm gonna recover just fine!
I promise!
I started writing this a while ago..
then in the middle of my crazed prosody
I get a phone call...
More death on the horizon for my extended family it seems...
Lets recap:
I lost my step-brother in June,
my Hero, my wonderful father,
one month ago today...
and now I get a call from my delerious
step-sister that her own mother is now in a coma.
Her passing shall be days away..
Oh you bastard deadly duo of years you Monkey,
you Rooster..
why dontcha kill us all off eh?!?!
Why I oughtta...
and yet there's even more mourning to be had...
Forgive me my dear beloved SG friends and readers if I've yet to reveal the other springtime tragedy that has shred to ribbons my heart...
My sweet princeess has also perished..
and in a most violent way.
I sing a song of elegy for the demise of my dearest!
She was a very loving woman, a tall drink of water,
and the girl I was ready to kill for just this past leap year day 2004!
(Long story for another post)...
She was one of my most loyal friends,
the most gorgeous ex-marine walking the planet,
and quite beloved by my father.
I've not told any of you about this most crushing loss for me...
since she was more than likely going to marry me;
years from now after all our wild days were behind us.
Only the death of my dad has eclipsed the sorrowful frustration
of my dear girl's demise.
I just couldn't bring myself to accept that she's really gone...
and in such a dreadful way....
I shall reveal the whole tragedy some other day i promise...
might as well,
I may very well still see my own demise
be the result of all the damnable drama that plagued our tender love affair.
Swiss_Miss knows who I speak of, since she met my leggy miss blondie blonde
back a year ago, right before the unkind kidnapping.
remember my dear?
Yep, it's one of those kinda sad sagas!
I hate psychos!!!
My fate may be decided in such a terrible way if I'm not careful!
No bother...
I've lived a good life.
He's a Dragon that I'm not yet well enough to fight.
But slay him I shall if he ever shows in this world again!
Oh and have I even tried to tell you about the miserable malady that had befallen my hero in the first place?!?!
There's a lot to tell you and if you're up for it I'll explicate about why my nose won't stop bleeding,
my back is black and blue,
and I've got a Hell's Angel sharpening his talons in hopes of ensnaring me in some devilish destruction!
Yes, dear readers, my story unfolds kinda like that lately!
So, go on and read further the freaky deaky fate my cinematic Life has in store for me ...
this week!
~Gatsby the dragon slayer,
bitten and battered
Well, hello my dears.
I've not been a prodigious updater lately eh?!?!
That's due a lil' bit to me being running short on free time.
Some cuz my battered, bloodied body needs recovery rather than writing.
I do adore you my specific SG peers, I do.
But damn if my mourning and mornings haven't taken their toll on what I have always considered my indestrucable structure.
I'm an achin' piece of bacon, my beauties!
Some, I shamefully admit, is self-caused damage
from my swimmin' these past weeks in oceans of Irish Whiskey in a futile attempt to try and drink down the sorrow for my dead Hero .
I love that Man more each day while I realize just how much he meant to me and others.
That brings on even newer bouts of a sorrowful sense of loss.
There've been also happy times during my mourning
in the weird way that I remember
SO many good times and qualities of my Father.
I've not been the glum gus as much as the wild child
feelin' orphaned before the storm.
Mostly though, I've been busy slaying dragons.
Lotsa dragons mind you!!!
Oh they've come out the woodwork and have emerged from
lairs all about my crazed, bruised livin' lately...
They hiss and strike and try to attack my friends and those I have chosen to be their defender, their protector.
I've become the hestitant "White Knight" in a crazy array of situations lately.
For instance...
As I type, I am fully aware that there's right now this morn,
a certain Hell's Angel gunnin' for me. And he's a mean possesive one!
I've been the champion of a certain sweet but wild child herself.
There a Lady who relies on me like no other in her life
she's got some shady characters just lusting after her lovely self and a few toughs think it okay to just force their way into her "personal space".
I fear no fool who chooses to disrespect a Lady,
they get what they deserve, even if they take me down with 'em!!!
and somewhere- (in the crack zombie hell for homeless
people that my blind friend and his poor wretched peers refer to as "the Zone")-
there's limps about one messed up figure
who days ago,
attacked my friend Clinton & I while we searched the "Zone" for a third friend.
Clinton's okay..
I took the brunt of the baseball bat barrage...
Clinton's quote still makes me laugh and twinge my aching frame:
"Seems that mo-fucker didn't realize Clinton had himself a friend who knew kung foo-ery like dat!"[sic]
I think that sucker's nursing a broken hand here as i type.
Course mine's a bit swollen and thus--
my reason for not doing the keyboard frolics as of late.
For you see I feel quite the quixotic madman lately..
No sheer windmills do I charge with full gait and steeled determination.
I don't pick these dust ups..
they seem to come lookin' for me and with fierce focus!
Don't attack a blind, homeless man and not expect me to get all "I don't know ka-rate but I know ka-razy!" up in tha spot.
(I'm really not acting all thug life..really!)
I'm still a kitten..
I'm just licking my wounds a bit with attitude!
ha ha
Like I said,
I'm not looking to die at the hands of a jealous biker cretin, or excon fiancee murdrin' fucker!!!
Oh no..
They come at me in desperate droves
armed with baseball bats and lawyer summons!
That last swipe is in reference to all the legal crap
one has to go through with death taxes,
living wills,
and probate.
It's all so much the
mendacity of bureacracy and the
hours of red tape trying to get my
dad's estate in order.
Man, this sounds worse than I wish it to..
don't worry 'bout me my dears..
I'll not let ya down.
I've taken on more deadly dragons than these i tell ya'!
It's those dragons in my gut and thrashing about in my mournful heart that really slay me!
Oh I cannot sleep without them prowling about!
Oh to hear me cry and wail you'd think I had the blues!
ha ha
I've much to type out in telling you my travails as of late.
But I think I've revealed enough.
love to all....
Oh and happy bday this week to my fave
Black&White gangsta' James Cagney,
(my user pic this week's in homage to him..
and a quite the representation of how I'm feelin'!)
happy bdays as well to all my April Aries sweeties
and former lovers..woof!
oh and happy bday to all my other heroes....
Billie Holiday,
the Buddha,
and all the other inspirations that help me take the tiger by the tail..
p.s. I guess..
Oh and to a certain Pink Lady..
Thank you profoundly for blessing my dreams with your smile!
It helps me recuperate and my strength & spirit returns
hey hey an update at 7:27 in the morn!
Nothing like getting two frantic phone calls in a row!
I guess a fair maiden friend of mine' in a bit of a sticky situation and shall be calling back soon...
I'm actually leaving right now to go pick
the fair maiden up!
She's struggling 'gainst the clutches of the Hell's Angel dragon this very minute as I understand it..
and I guess I gotta go deliver her to safety!
wish me well on my dawn raid!
This is one wing-dinger of a post i s'pose...
I do read everyone's updates,
it's very important to me to see how all y'all are doing out there...
I've had quite a bit to deal with myself it seems.
This is why I've been silent tho-
I also have access for only about 1/2 an hour a day lately..
when I can get a lil' more time to talk,
I'll be commenting and cheering all of you on like a mutha!
Thanks for keeping me around 'til then my beloved friends!!!
so this is how it's been going down lately...
and I'm not going to any hospital..
screw hospitals!
I'm gonna recover just fine!
I promise!
I started writing this a while ago..
then in the middle of my crazed prosody
I get a phone call...
More death on the horizon for my extended family it seems...
Lets recap:
I lost my step-brother in June,
my Hero, my wonderful father,
one month ago today...
and now I get a call from my delerious
step-sister that her own mother is now in a coma.
Her passing shall be days away..
Oh you bastard deadly duo of years you Monkey,
you Rooster..
why dontcha kill us all off eh?!?!
Why I oughtta...
and yet there's even more mourning to be had...
Forgive me my dear beloved SG friends and readers if I've yet to reveal the other springtime tragedy that has shred to ribbons my heart...
My sweet princeess has also perished..
and in a most violent way.
I sing a song of elegy for the demise of my dearest!
She was a very loving woman, a tall drink of water,
and the girl I was ready to kill for just this past leap year day 2004!
(Long story for another post)...
She was one of my most loyal friends,
the most gorgeous ex-marine walking the planet,
and quite beloved by my father.
I've not told any of you about this most crushing loss for me...
since she was more than likely going to marry me;
years from now after all our wild days were behind us.
Only the death of my dad has eclipsed the sorrowful frustration
of my dear girl's demise.
I just couldn't bring myself to accept that she's really gone...
and in such a dreadful way....
I shall reveal the whole tragedy some other day i promise...
might as well,
I may very well still see my own demise
be the result of all the damnable drama that plagued our tender love affair.
Swiss_Miss knows who I speak of, since she met my leggy miss blondie blonde
back a year ago, right before the unkind kidnapping.
remember my dear?
Yep, it's one of those kinda sad sagas!
I hate psychos!!!
My fate may be decided in such a terrible way if I'm not careful!
No bother...
I've lived a good life.
He's a Dragon that I'm not yet well enough to fight.
But slay him I shall if he ever shows in this world again!
Oh and have I even tried to tell you about the miserable malady that had befallen my hero in the first place?!?!
There's a lot to tell you and if you're up for it I'll explicate about why my nose won't stop bleeding,
my back is black and blue,
and I've got a Hell's Angel sharpening his talons in hopes of ensnaring me in some devilish destruction!
Yes, dear readers, my story unfolds kinda like that lately!
So, go on and read further the freaky deaky fate my cinematic Life has in store for me ...
this week!
~Gatsby the dragon slayer,
bitten and battered
Well, hello my dears.
I've not been a prodigious updater lately eh?!?!
That's due a lil' bit to me being running short on free time.
Some cuz my battered, bloodied body needs recovery rather than writing.
I do adore you my specific SG peers, I do.
But damn if my mourning and mornings haven't taken their toll on what I have always considered my indestrucable structure.
I'm an achin' piece of bacon, my beauties!
Some, I shamefully admit, is self-caused damage
from my swimmin' these past weeks in oceans of Irish Whiskey in a futile attempt to try and drink down the sorrow for my dead Hero .
I love that Man more each day while I realize just how much he meant to me and others.
That brings on even newer bouts of a sorrowful sense of loss.
There've been also happy times during my mourning
in the weird way that I remember
SO many good times and qualities of my Father.
I've not been the glum gus as much as the wild child
feelin' orphaned before the storm.
Mostly though, I've been busy slaying dragons.
Lotsa dragons mind you!!!
Oh they've come out the woodwork and have emerged from
lairs all about my crazed, bruised livin' lately...
They hiss and strike and try to attack my friends and those I have chosen to be their defender, their protector.
I've become the hestitant "White Knight" in a crazy array of situations lately.
For instance...
As I type, I am fully aware that there's right now this morn,
a certain Hell's Angel gunnin' for me. And he's a mean possesive one!
I've been the champion of a certain sweet but wild child herself.
There a Lady who relies on me like no other in her life
she's got some shady characters just lusting after her lovely self and a few toughs think it okay to just force their way into her "personal space".
I fear no fool who chooses to disrespect a Lady,
they get what they deserve, even if they take me down with 'em!!!
and somewhere- (in the crack zombie hell for homeless
people that my blind friend and his poor wretched peers refer to as "the Zone")-
there's limps about one messed up figure
who days ago,
attacked my friend Clinton & I while we searched the "Zone" for a third friend.
Clinton's okay..
I took the brunt of the baseball bat barrage...
Clinton's quote still makes me laugh and twinge my aching frame:
"Seems that mo-fucker didn't realize Clinton had himself a friend who knew kung foo-ery like dat!"[sic]
I think that sucker's nursing a broken hand here as i type.
Course mine's a bit swollen and thus--
my reason for not doing the keyboard frolics as of late.
For you see I feel quite the quixotic madman lately..
No sheer windmills do I charge with full gait and steeled determination.
I don't pick these dust ups..
they seem to come lookin' for me and with fierce focus!
Don't attack a blind, homeless man and not expect me to get all "I don't know ka-rate but I know ka-razy!" up in tha spot.
(I'm really not acting all thug life..really!)
I'm still a kitten..
I'm just licking my wounds a bit with attitude!
ha ha
Like I said,
I'm not looking to die at the hands of a jealous biker cretin, or excon fiancee murdrin' fucker!!!
Oh no..
They come at me in desperate droves
armed with baseball bats and lawyer summons!
That last swipe is in reference to all the legal crap
one has to go through with death taxes,
living wills,
and probate.
It's all so much the
mendacity of bureacracy and the
hours of red tape trying to get my
dad's estate in order.
Man, this sounds worse than I wish it to..
don't worry 'bout me my dears..
I'll not let ya down.
I've taken on more deadly dragons than these i tell ya'!
It's those dragons in my gut and thrashing about in my mournful heart that really slay me!
Oh I cannot sleep without them prowling about!
Oh to hear me cry and wail you'd think I had the blues!
ha ha
I've much to type out in telling you my travails as of late.
But I think I've revealed enough.
love to all....
Oh and happy bday this week to my fave
Black&White gangsta' James Cagney,
(my user pic this week's in homage to him..
and a quite the representation of how I'm feelin'!)
happy bdays as well to all my April Aries sweeties
and former lovers..woof!
oh and happy bday to all my other heroes....
Billie Holiday,
the Buddha,
and all the other inspirations that help me take the tiger by the tail..
p.s. I guess..
Oh and to a certain Pink Lady..
Thank you profoundly for blessing my dreams with your smile!
It helps me recuperate and my strength & spirit returns

hey hey an update at 7:27 in the morn!
Nothing like getting two frantic phone calls in a row!
I guess a fair maiden friend of mine' in a bit of a sticky situation and shall be calling back soon...
I'm actually leaving right now to go pick
the fair maiden up!
She's struggling 'gainst the clutches of the Hell's Angel dragon this very minute as I understand it..
and I guess I gotta go deliver her to safety!
wish me well on my dawn raid!
ok, just between you and me, because you recommended that i be a bit selfish...
i'm going to tell you my plan. heh. it's kind of a good one. it will only get me through one week, but hell, that's better than nothing!
tonight: knitting night at a Aimee's Coffee in lawrence
tomorrow night: some kind of rock show that someone in the SGKC group posted.
saturday: finally go to that cute little spa/salon that's a couple blocks away from my house and see if they do kitty waxings. for me. and no one else.
monday: women's health night at the lawrence socialist center
tuesday: train with a woman in lawrence to learn Modern American Karate
also, somewhere in there, i have a "One Free Massage" gift certificate from Christmas that i think it's time to cash in.
and also, i need to research whether or not there's a Buddhist center in lawrence somewhere. a little meditation might be a good thing in these troubled times.
how's that for selfish?! he he he.
oh and i hope that lady realized what a luck women she is to have you in her life.