Hello all...
I'm back from the dead..
Literally I s'pose!
I'll update about my own livin' later,
but today there's a
particular red ballon of a bday friend that I'd like to heap praises upon only...
here's what i posted on the boards for my sweet Swan:
the link to Miss Rose's bday love praise!!!
Happy bday dearest RoseMarie
This most fabulous Swan of an SG Muse is truly one of a kind,
and one of my fave friends
that I've met on here!
Happy birthday Miss RoseMarie!!!
It's no suprise that she is quite adored by so many,
SG Muses & members alike...
It's no secret that she is swooned over by yours truly!

Her journal is pure poetry, her kindness and comments always a delight.
Since we've made friends, my days have a happier kick to 'em!
I adore this sweet lady supremely!
SG certainly gained the quality of a Muse as say,
a Billie Holiday or Ella, when they added
her sweet song of a persona to the site!
She personifies all the qualities I seek in all those
hopeless romantic cinematic characters such as
sweet Amelie or Sabrina Fair.
Tho the real Lady one gets to know
is such an incredibly witty, wise, and winsome woman,
that she certainly outshines any fiction like the sun!
Her writing, pics & style are stunning & sublime in it's artistry!
Her way of reaching out to so many is absolutely wonderful.
She's been a great comfort for me while my hero lay dying.
Her journal is fantastically written. Tis worthy of it's own publishing some day!
SF misses the hell out of her I know...
and Austin is a far sweeter city since she's graced that burg with her presence.
(pics kindly used from her journal)

Well, can ya tell I dig this demure & delish Doll?!?!
Happy birthday my dearest!
Oh,and let's not forget to bark a shoutout to that superlative & stylish
pugnacious pup of hers...
and flowers
to you dear Rose!!!
you get the rare mega-emoticon flirtation flood!
oh and a few of these mad monkey loves as well:
I'm back from the dead..
Literally I s'pose!
I'll update about my own livin' later,
but today there's a
particular red ballon of a bday friend that I'd like to heap praises upon only...
here's what i posted on the boards for my sweet Swan:
the link to Miss Rose's bday love praise!!!
Happy bday dearest RoseMarie
This most fabulous Swan of an SG Muse is truly one of a kind,
and one of my fave friends
that I've met on here!

Happy birthday Miss RoseMarie!!!
It's no suprise that she is quite adored by so many,
SG Muses & members alike...
It's no secret that she is swooned over by yours truly!

Her journal is pure poetry, her kindness and comments always a delight.
Since we've made friends, my days have a happier kick to 'em!
I adore this sweet lady supremely!
SG certainly gained the quality of a Muse as say,
a Billie Holiday or Ella, when they added
her sweet song of a persona to the site!

She personifies all the qualities I seek in all those
hopeless romantic cinematic characters such as
sweet Amelie or Sabrina Fair.

Tho the real Lady one gets to know
is such an incredibly witty, wise, and winsome woman,
that she certainly outshines any fiction like the sun!

Her writing, pics & style are stunning & sublime in it's artistry!
Her way of reaching out to so many is absolutely wonderful.
She's been a great comfort for me while my hero lay dying.
Her journal is fantastically written. Tis worthy of it's own publishing some day!
SF misses the hell out of her I know...
and Austin is a far sweeter city since she's graced that burg with her presence.

(pics kindly used from her journal)

Well, can ya tell I dig this demure & delish Doll?!?!
Happy birthday my dearest!
Oh,and let's not forget to bark a shoutout to that superlative & stylish
pugnacious pup of hers...


and flowers

to you dear Rose!!!

you get the rare mega-emoticon flirtation flood!

oh and a few of these mad monkey loves as well:

I haven't seen those pictures of me or of me and the other Noir. What kind of club is it? Dancing? Do they have waitresses? I may be interested. Email me when you're done with your debauchery and rested up.