Bird saved my life last night!!!
(long story!!!)
Friday afternoon and I'm on here for literally just about 10 mins!
My blind friend Clinton now has a stable place to call home for now!
I've been busy driving him around to doctor's appts. and getting meds and such.
I promise to post more when I have more than mere moments on here.
I think I'll be making my return to a few of the scenes here tonight..
I have so many friends asking me to make an appearance at various dance floors,
punk rock shows,
"gentlemen's clubs",
(I humbly s'pose my massage skills have been missed more than my flirting where they're concerned!),
and some rockabilly car show ...
that i can't stay a hermit much longer!
The crazy Hot Pink crowd is most vociferous in their call for me to lace up my Ferragamos
and dance off my mourning melancholy!
So I'll see some of you sweethearts up on that infamous
Hot Stink passion pole
some time after tonight's other
shin-digs have ben shin-dug!!!
I have another big memorial/open house planned for Palm Sunday for all the local friends, co-workers, neighbors etc.
That way they have their opportunity to pay their respects and adoration for my beloved now deceased hero.
I really wish to comment and reply to all of you as soon as my time is free to do so!
This whole clinton survival quest has been taking up so much of my time and effort..
I need to let off some steam fo' sure!!!
Man I imbibed a ton o Irish whiskey these past two days!!
I love being indestructable!!!!
Late Weds night/Thurs morn..
If you'd like to get hold of me..
I'll be wanderin' the boards, groups, and journals of my beloved SG land for awhile while
I swallow this bottle o'Jameson's tonight!!!!
so I've got a few hours to plow thru the pages of love and support on here and myspace
but first..
it's tipsy comment time!!!

updated Weds afternoon...
real quick like:
I am so wonderfully and profoundly thankful for all the support!
I have returned from burying my Hero.
I need to seriously catch up on sleep for a few days before I'm back in the swing.
I figure i hadn't had more than 2 hours of solid sleep for
about the last month!
Then when I got back in town,
I had to jump into helping out my friend Clinton again
(the blind homeless man remember?)
He's gettin placed today finally after all this red tape and
being ignored by the system
I've been providing a place to sleep, shower, eat and such for a few days now.
So my Life is still in a crazy disarray.
I think a lady friend needs a place to crash staring tommorrow...
so tonight's my only night to sleep after work.
I'll update soon after that.
I'm slowly commenting and replying back..just know each and every time I write,
I put all my love and adoration into it.
So i's gonna take a bit to say hey hey to all y'all..
Oh and just you wait miss Rose when i write you!
Oh how I adore you my dear!!!

The meek shall inherit the Earth
My Hero rests in peace now...
his passing was the most profound experience I think I'll ever have.
He didn't suffer, was ever so happy to have his adoring children with him, and quietly slipped away in my arms.
He blessed me with the great Wisdom of dying with dignity and joy...
I'm doing alright because of that.
I'm not as devastated as I feared...
He gives me strength and a deep profound pride in how he passed on.
There is no other way I believe a Soul could be sent off to meet his Maker in a more serene, blessed way than my Father, my Hero, has done!
And boy did Heaven grab him up quick and joyfully!!!
I'm off in an hour to go bury my beloved papa..
He now lies in State in Tennessee, ready to be lowered in the ground in a quiet, overgrown cemetary deep in the beautiful backwoods.
I'll be delivering the eulogy, and act as pallbearer.
Thank you for the support and love.
I FINALLY got more than 2 hours sleep last night.
When I get back, I'm gonna sleep for years!
I'll send sweet thanks atfter that.
Love reign o'er me
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
Goodbye my sweet huckleberry hero....
Andrew Collinsworth
(Feb 18th 1940- March 7th 2005)

A True Hero!!!

Father - Edward Dean Collinsworth

Mother - Edna Mae Mitchell

He and his beloved sister

cheering me at soccer games

his fave pastime scuba divin' in the pool

his zen master moments were many times upon the water

My Lordy was he a good cook!


I realize I've not too many pics of he and I..
I think you just forget to take pics when you have such a consistently good time spent with your best friend..
everyone tells me we had a special connection..
I always knew that,
now I realize just how lucky I have been all these years!
I love this wonderful Man with all my Soul!!!

Awww a pic of the three loves of my life back then!
My pops, his pooch, and my Chanel sociologist who pops
told me was a rare jewel of a Lady early on..
He was already eager to name the grandchildren even by this first meeting!
he knew I should have let her marry me back then!

his beloved pups

his best friend, the preacher man

a shot he must have took decades ago...
these rose bushes were kept alive and flourished decades under his care

his last days, we tried to make them as comfortable and profound as possible

sneaking in the Damsel

the strength of love

the caring loving nursing staff

the triumph of making it out of the hospital!!!
I played a recording of Scottish bagpipes playing Amazing Grace...
I'll be playing the same when we put him in the ground Saturday

final hours spent in quiet and calm in the Hospice room...
I was able to get his beloved dog of 15 years a last final chance at licks and cuddles

the final rose to have bloomed while my Hero fought his heroic battle for a peaceful,
non hospital passing

that morning I realized his spirit, wisdom,
joy, kindness etc.;
shall never leave me...
I am infused with his sweet, enlightened Spirit!!!

Thank you all truly for the sweet support..
I'll be giving one hell of a eulogy for that magnificent man!!!
I'll be back on here in a few days..
I have a lot of love and thanks to give all y'all!!!

I am happy that you had someone so amazing in your life. Your devotion to one another is exceptional. Treasure it always and draw strength from it.