**Okay this is updated late Monday night once again**
I'm editing/adding this rather than post a new entry for I wish not to alarm my dear beloved friends with more anxious events that have been "dogging" me for weeks now...
I was all ready to FINALLY complete the story of my
"Damsel in Distress" when some troubling things happened over the weekend...
After all the sweet success the speakeasy's reopening shindig was, well then Sunday, I was given an even greater challenge then before.
My hero, my ailing dad, became seriously ill...
I'll just say it's really scary blazing thru city streets while your pops screams in pain.
It's those times when i feel I was blessed with my life so that I can be there for my loved ones in their toughest times...
I've spent the past two paqinful mornings in the VA emergency waiting
rooms all cramped up in unforgiving chairs...
It's in these anxious hours I kick myself for not becoming a doctor in the Chinese healing arts quicker or wiser...
He's okay and I'm taking care of him in his home.
As for my slight time here on SG...
I try to check up on all of you when I can.
I find myself wanting to wish you well and cheer you all on more than type out about my silly ramblings.
I think I'll have my first real day off from my jobs tom. nite.
I'm just focused on nursing all my loved ones back to health.
I'm not feelin' very prosaic right now..
Y'all understand I trust.
That's all...
I send you all my very best wishes.
As a Shaolin trained healer,
I can also transmit loving
chi energy to all of you with just my thoughts.
So take 'em in and feel good from 'em.
Man, I'm delerious, worn out, sore and flippin' thankful my dad is still kickin'!
**UPDATED Jan. 26**
Oh I adore all the kindness and patience my dear peers!
The rollerderby was a great success, thanks to all who came out..
It's an honor to emcee for such a skilled crew of ladies!
The weekend's dance decadence lasted into the week..
Oh and my sweet damsel in distress is getting her footing back I believe...
as to that...
Just when I thought my week would settle down enough to be able to write more..
well, the city's water was deemed dangerous and the whole metroplolis was advised not to drink any tap water!
Since I've gigs at two fine dining joints..AND
I work for a state Senator...well it's been a crazy week!
add to that my animal rescue efforts are in overdrive, I'm now helping promote this ol skool lingerie night at a Rockabilly dive bar now,
and the full moon brought out the frisky in my beloved kittens all about..
EQUALS...this humble attempt at an update...
I care more how all of you are doing so I spend more time on YOUR journals...
Love to all...
I'll update by Friday!
pinky swear...
ha ha************************
Just quite the quick update to quiet the sweet inquiries as to my last posts...
Oh I really am ever so honored by all of the kind concern and eager anticipation of what has been happening in my life lately!
I had planned on telling all several days ago..
I truly tried not to keep you all in the dark as to what the
strange story was..
A short summary may suffice 'til I'm able to spend quality time on here andtell my tale...
I've mostly been defending/debating the status and genius of certain SG photographers and such..
Now as to the "Damsel in Distress"...
Well, she's no longer in great peril, but we still have her hiding out since the "villian" is always lurking I have found.
She's in better health, recovering nicely from her traumas..
Please understand that it was truly touch and go fore days, then weeks, before she could be said to be okay.
I have had to take several hours out of my day just to be with her and help her make the transition to a better life..
I promise i'll clarify everything soon.
Real Life as you all understand , does not usually resolve the problemn all neat and tidy and at the end of the final commercial...
I have a major commitment ahead of me, and I am happily taking on the task.
Then the rest of my life took me out of the SG posting loop for these last crazy-ass weeks!
But Life for me, has always been a hectic happenstance of unexpected experiences.
I mean, other situations have prevented me from prperly posting a well written story.
Hell, I'm still recovering from last week's activisms...
The MLK march took a nasty turn when the post march proceedings were marred ONCE again by youth violence,
the divisive rioting was dispersed by police who menaced the crowds with pepper spray and batons!
It didn't get my week off right..
The political divisiveness continued well into the week when the inaguration of "not MY President" found me once again amidst the chaos of non-violent protest being met with reactionary scorn and the backlash of spit and spite!
No complaints from me since I am reminded of the terror and strength that the Civil Rights Heroes had in their quest for justice. My pain is miniscule in comparison!
I've also been VERY busy helping bring this big event off that
happens mere hours from now...
It's the Season Debut of my beloved Renegade Rollergirls!!!
They are definately doing this DIY style ..
sorta like the admirable origuins of SG itself.
They are totally independent in this and I am honored by being once again their Master of Ceremonies and play by play commentator!
I shall dedicate my efforts to the Master of Media who I learned just passed -Johhny Carson.
For my dear friend sin the area...please come down and support them!
I'll treat you to liquor, and/or cherry icees all night!
I promise I'll post the big news this week!
I'm just so overwhelmed with what's been going on...
Thanks dear friends for your patience....
Those who've known me fore a while understand I always come thru, even when the world has me multi-tasking like a Mutha-trucker!!!
Love, love, love
~your Gatsby
Renegade Master of Ceremonies

**Okay this is updated late Monday night once again**
I'm editing/adding this rather than post a new entry for I wish not to alarm my dear beloved friends with more anxious events that have been "dogging" me for weeks now...
I was all ready to FINALLY complete the story of my
"Damsel in Distress" when some troubling things happened over the weekend...
After all the sweet success the speakeasy's reopening shindig was, well then Sunday, I was given an even greater challenge then before.
My hero, my ailing dad, became seriously ill...
I'll just say it's really scary blazing thru city streets while your pops screams in pain.
It's those times when i feel I was blessed with my life so that I can be there for my loved ones in their toughest times...
I've spent the past two paqinful mornings in the VA emergency waiting
rooms all cramped up in unforgiving chairs...
It's in these anxious hours I kick myself for not becoming a doctor in the Chinese healing arts quicker or wiser...
He's okay and I'm taking care of him in his home.
As for my slight time here on SG...
I try to check up on all of you when I can.
I find myself wanting to wish you well and cheer you all on more than type out about my silly ramblings.
I think I'll have my first real day off from my jobs tom. nite.
I'm just focused on nursing all my loved ones back to health.
I'm not feelin' very prosaic right now..
Y'all understand I trust.
That's all...
I send you all my very best wishes.
As a Shaolin trained healer,
I can also transmit loving
chi energy to all of you with just my thoughts.
So take 'em in and feel good from 'em.
Man, I'm delerious, worn out, sore and flippin' thankful my dad is still kickin'!
**UPDATED Jan. 26**
Oh I adore all the kindness and patience my dear peers!
The rollerderby was a great success, thanks to all who came out..
It's an honor to emcee for such a skilled crew of ladies!
The weekend's dance decadence lasted into the week..
Oh and my sweet damsel in distress is getting her footing back I believe...
as to that...
Just when I thought my week would settle down enough to be able to write more..
well, the city's water was deemed dangerous and the whole metroplolis was advised not to drink any tap water!
Since I've gigs at two fine dining joints..AND
I work for a state Senator...well it's been a crazy week!
add to that my animal rescue efforts are in overdrive, I'm now helping promote this ol skool lingerie night at a Rockabilly dive bar now,
and the full moon brought out the frisky in my beloved kittens all about..
EQUALS...this humble attempt at an update...
I care more how all of you are doing so I spend more time on YOUR journals...
Love to all...
I'll update by Friday!
pinky swear...
ha ha************************
Just quite the quick update to quiet the sweet inquiries as to my last posts...
Oh I really am ever so honored by all of the kind concern and eager anticipation of what has been happening in my life lately!
I had planned on telling all several days ago..
I truly tried not to keep you all in the dark as to what the
strange story was..
A short summary may suffice 'til I'm able to spend quality time on here andtell my tale...
I've mostly been defending/debating the status and genius of certain SG photographers and such..
Now as to the "Damsel in Distress"...
Well, she's no longer in great peril, but we still have her hiding out since the "villian" is always lurking I have found.
She's in better health, recovering nicely from her traumas..
Please understand that it was truly touch and go fore days, then weeks, before she could be said to be okay.
I have had to take several hours out of my day just to be with her and help her make the transition to a better life..
I promise i'll clarify everything soon.
Real Life as you all understand , does not usually resolve the problemn all neat and tidy and at the end of the final commercial...
I have a major commitment ahead of me, and I am happily taking on the task.
Then the rest of my life took me out of the SG posting loop for these last crazy-ass weeks!
But Life for me, has always been a hectic happenstance of unexpected experiences.
I mean, other situations have prevented me from prperly posting a well written story.
Hell, I'm still recovering from last week's activisms...

The MLK march took a nasty turn when the post march proceedings were marred ONCE again by youth violence,
the divisive rioting was dispersed by police who menaced the crowds with pepper spray and batons!
It didn't get my week off right..
The political divisiveness continued well into the week when the inaguration of "not MY President" found me once again amidst the chaos of non-violent protest being met with reactionary scorn and the backlash of spit and spite!

No complaints from me since I am reminded of the terror and strength that the Civil Rights Heroes had in their quest for justice. My pain is miniscule in comparison!

I've also been VERY busy helping bring this big event off that
happens mere hours from now...
It's the Season Debut of my beloved Renegade Rollergirls!!!
They are definately doing this DIY style ..
sorta like the admirable origuins of SG itself.
They are totally independent in this and I am honored by being once again their Master of Ceremonies and play by play commentator!
I shall dedicate my efforts to the Master of Media who I learned just passed -Johhny Carson.
For my dear friend sin the area...please come down and support them!
I'll treat you to liquor, and/or cherry icees all night!
I promise I'll post the big news this week!
I'm just so overwhelmed with what's been going on...
Thanks dear friends for your patience....
Those who've known me fore a while understand I always come thru, even when the world has me multi-tasking like a Mutha-trucker!!!
Love, love, love
~your Gatsby
Renegade Master of Ceremonies

And I feel and old man grabbing at my pants!