**edited Jan. 11th for quick update**
Things were touch-n-go this past anxious weekend concerning the
"New Years miracle story"
that the local media's trying to create
over in reference to what I'm writing about below.
It's not THAT newsworthy I feel..
But any story of survival garners a
heck of a lot of attention these days it
would unfortunately seem.
Oh and I JUST now got the pics back so
I'll truly tell all by say, Friday, I promise...
it's a sad then sweet story really!
``click`...end update to the update
Goooood daffy day to ya one and all!!!
'tis Gatsby typing out at breakneck speed a lil' update for all y'all to chew on a bit...
I've been quite the crazy cat lately and unable to check this as often as I'd like.
UPDATE to say I'm gonna UPDATE soon...
Are you ready for this my dahlings?!?!
I am sockless my sweets since they
got KNOCKED right off my toes
when I saw how many kind comments I accrued in the interim of my absence!!!
So I figure I ought to update this
since my last post now has THREE pages of smiles to it....
But this doesn't count as a real journal entry as much thanks for commenting....
and to tell you I have one
wing dinger of a yarn to spin soon.
What I mean to say my dears, is that
I have the most incredible update,
the most wonderful saga to tell,
the sweetest story to relate....
just at a later date, that's all!!!
Really tho!
Something most magnificent,
most miraculous,
most marvelous,
has happened in my life
since the New Year dropped...
Words however hyperbolic cannot deign to describe the sweet treat that has happened for me!!!
Now it's not about affairs of the heart
(tho those seem to be better than ever & multiplying like
Star Trek tribbles-my one and only trekkie reference)
It has nothin' to do with monetary gain,
There's no medals being awarded,
(tho local media I guess wants to laud
me for certain reasons)
nor is it bigger than a breadbox...
The reasons I'm keeping it secret are valid enough...
First of all, if I had focused on the event a few days ago...
well, this would've been a TRAGIC tale full of tears and anxiety and fear of the future...
I didn't want to bring you all down with worry and such...
I can soon relate a sweet story of survival and sugar
and spice and puppy dog tails...er...tales!!!
The saga has a much better promise to it these last few days...
And the future looks better than ever..
Second of all, the reason I'm refraining from
just coming out with it is kinda crazy ...
You see, the local media has caught wind of it,
and they are "chomping at the bit" to scoop it!!!
Yes, it's that kool kitten of a story...
It's one of those uplifting news items that they
just LOVE to show at the top of the news hour..
The New Years timing really gets them panting...
It's nuts that I have reporters trying to contact me even this morn!
But there's very nasty violent villians involved in all this
actually one just died and that's what set things in motion.
If the other fuckers find out about it or where I be well..
You won't be hearing from me agin I fear!
That's the big reason I'm keeping it off the air and out of circulation for now...
I'll be making angry and vengeful some very violent thug life
criminals if they find out....yikes!!!
But as a treat i shall first give the lowdown to my SG peers..
sort of an SG exclusive scoop!!!
Intriguing stuff eh?!?!
The third reason is that I need to get some
visuals recorded for
posterity and all...
Pics shall be developed and scanned and such by this weekend I hope...
It shall make for a much better mini epic
Oh I can't wait to share my news soon!!
It is truly my new years miracle and I shall be happy
to share it with all y'all soon...
Just know that these first few days if 2005
was an intense blend of:
worry, happiness,
terror, tenderness,
emergency rooms, rainy rescues,
snarls, smiles,
miracles, tragedy,
rumors, local legends,
gang members, tv reporters....
And just a lil'
Lady Luck!!!
Really it's such a small thing that
has become a great triumph
of Love, and hope, and sheer will to survive...
Boy I outta write movie trailers eh?!?!
COMING SOON to an SG journal near you!!
ha ha
You'll cry, you'll smile,
you'll wanna kill the villian,
you'll wanna kiss the heroine,
I may get a smile or two,
who knows...
I promise to post by this weekend...
I really have to go make sure all is well tho..
My miracle calls after me even as I type!!!
How's the weather where you be???
Here in the desert it's been pouring more than any ol' man could snore!!!
Two inches a day I hear...
well the plants need the water so I'm happily:
Lord I love my charmed life!!!
oh and here's visuals for the FIVE current cd/records I'm listening to RIGHT NOW!!!

So by the time I finished this entry ,
I've switched the whole carousel:

Things were touch-n-go this past anxious weekend concerning the
"New Years miracle story"
that the local media's trying to create
over in reference to what I'm writing about below.
It's not THAT newsworthy I feel..
But any story of survival garners a
heck of a lot of attention these days it
would unfortunately seem.
Oh and I JUST now got the pics back so
I'll truly tell all by say, Friday, I promise...
it's a sad then sweet story really!
``click`...end update to the update
Goooood daffy day to ya one and all!!!
'tis Gatsby typing out at breakneck speed a lil' update for all y'all to chew on a bit...
I've been quite the crazy cat lately and unable to check this as often as I'd like.
UPDATE to say I'm gonna UPDATE soon...
Are you ready for this my dahlings?!?!
I am sockless my sweets since they
got KNOCKED right off my toes
when I saw how many kind comments I accrued in the interim of my absence!!!
So I figure I ought to update this
since my last post now has THREE pages of smiles to it....
But this doesn't count as a real journal entry as much thanks for commenting....
and to tell you I have one
wing dinger of a yarn to spin soon.

What I mean to say my dears, is that
I have the most incredible update,
the most wonderful saga to tell,
the sweetest story to relate....
just at a later date, that's all!!!
Really tho!
Something most magnificent,
most miraculous,
most marvelous,
has happened in my life
since the New Year dropped...
Words however hyperbolic cannot deign to describe the sweet treat that has happened for me!!!
Now it's not about affairs of the heart
(tho those seem to be better than ever & multiplying like
Star Trek tribbles-my one and only trekkie reference)
It has nothin' to do with monetary gain,
There's no medals being awarded,
(tho local media I guess wants to laud
me for certain reasons)
nor is it bigger than a breadbox...
The reasons I'm keeping it secret are valid enough...
First of all, if I had focused on the event a few days ago...
well, this would've been a TRAGIC tale full of tears and anxiety and fear of the future...
I didn't want to bring you all down with worry and such...
I can soon relate a sweet story of survival and sugar
and spice and puppy dog tails...er...tales!!!
The saga has a much better promise to it these last few days...
And the future looks better than ever..
Second of all, the reason I'm refraining from
just coming out with it is kinda crazy ...
You see, the local media has caught wind of it,
and they are "chomping at the bit" to scoop it!!!
Yes, it's that kool kitten of a story...
It's one of those uplifting news items that they
just LOVE to show at the top of the news hour..
The New Years timing really gets them panting...
It's nuts that I have reporters trying to contact me even this morn!
But there's very nasty violent villians involved in all this
actually one just died and that's what set things in motion.
If the other fuckers find out about it or where I be well..
You won't be hearing from me agin I fear!
That's the big reason I'm keeping it off the air and out of circulation for now...
I'll be making angry and vengeful some very violent thug life
criminals if they find out....yikes!!!
But as a treat i shall first give the lowdown to my SG peers..
sort of an SG exclusive scoop!!!
Intriguing stuff eh?!?!
The third reason is that I need to get some
visuals recorded for
posterity and all...
Pics shall be developed and scanned and such by this weekend I hope...
It shall make for a much better mini epic

Oh I can't wait to share my news soon!!
It is truly my new years miracle and I shall be happy
to share it with all y'all soon...
Just know that these first few days if 2005
was an intense blend of:
worry, happiness,
terror, tenderness,
emergency rooms, rainy rescues,
snarls, smiles,
miracles, tragedy,
rumors, local legends,
gang members, tv reporters....
And just a lil'
Lady Luck!!!
Really it's such a small thing that
has become a great triumph
of Love, and hope, and sheer will to survive...
Boy I outta write movie trailers eh?!?!
COMING SOON to an SG journal near you!!
ha ha
You'll cry, you'll smile,
you'll wanna kill the villian,
you'll wanna kiss the heroine,
I may get a smile or two,
who knows...

I promise to post by this weekend...
I really have to go make sure all is well tho..
My miracle calls after me even as I type!!!
How's the weather where you be???
Here in the desert it's been pouring more than any ol' man could snore!!!
Two inches a day I hear...
well the plants need the water so I'm happily:

Lord I love my charmed life!!!
oh and here's visuals for the FIVE current cd/records I'm listening to RIGHT NOW!!!

So by the time I finished this entry ,
I've switched the whole carousel:

You are such a tease...
DapperGatsby is so fun to say when I use my Boston accent...