Today was such a crazy day for me.. Had to go to group at the Suboxone Clinic which costs an e
extra fifty dollars.... The "couseling session last for an hour and then they give you your script and you can go home. The place is packed with all kinds of fucked up people... me being one of them... Then the therapist ask : "Now everyone take a piece of paper and write down three bad behaviors you had when you were using dope, then write down the consequences that came along with them. Afterwards we go in a circle around the room, say our name how long we used dope, how long we are on the Suboxone and if the medicine is working. After that we had to read our papers out loud then crunch it up into a ball, walk to the garbadge and as you throw the paper away you say "I'm getting rid of all of these negative consequences and actions...... how fun..... especially when half of the people there are full with just as much bullshit as me..... Anyway it is great to be back and in love.....
Just read your comment you left.. thank you so much lady! ![kiss](