Sally was being a jerk this morning and tried to refuse my kisses, but I got them anyway
Over the weekend I painted a picture of a lucid dream that my boyfriend had. The one part in particular that caught my interest was that it was fairly dark out, there was a tall old tree that as he got closer turned into an old, tall, creepy, thin church and it was all swirling together and bending inward. He also said there were giant meteor-like rocks falling from the sky so I threw those in there too.
BUT I really love the idea of this painting and I couldn't paint it to it's fullest potential, sadly. So, if any of my artsy painter friends of SG need a new project or want to make me a happy little lady, please re-create it for me and send my pictures (or better yet, the painting!) and I would forever love you
Hope you all have a wonderful day! ^.^